
文章 2019-07-08 09:55:13 1个回答   ()人看过

My classmate Wei Huagot a high feverlast week. He had to be in hospital.

Yesterday was Saturday. My classmates and I went to see him together. We met at the school gate at 9 :00 in the morning. Then wewent to the hospital by bus. I thought we should get him some flowers, because fresh and beautiful flowers couldmakehimfeel good and happy.What’s more, Wei Huawasworriedabouthis study. So I brought him my notebooks andtried my best toanswer his questions. I hope Wei Hua can be better soon.

If you light a lamp for somebody, it will also brighten your path. So,take action tohelp others, because it willnot onlymake you happybutalsobring you others’help.


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