
文章 2019-07-05 02:43:47 1个回答   ()人看过



纵身[zòng shēn]




纵身[zòng shēn]

jump; leap:


leap onto a horse;


jump into the air; jump up


1. Zhwc:Zhwc 纵深(zòngshen) | Zhwc 纵身(zòngshen) | ZhwcYtQI 纵身跃起(zòngshenyueqi)


1. 我躺在船底,睁开一只眼睛从船边向上望去,常常看到一个蓝色巨浪耸立在我的头顶,小艇纵身一跃滑向浪涡处,像装上了弹簧一般。

Often, as I still lay at the bottom, and kept no more than an eye above the gunwale, I would see a big blue summit heaving close above me; yet the coracle would but bounce a little, dance as if on springs, and subside on the other side into the trough as lightly as a bird.

2. 读这本书的时候,我所提出的这则法门必会跃然纸上,活脱脱横陈在你眼前,只要你一切就绪,一旦纵身''。

Somewhere, as you read, the secret to which I refer will jump from the page and stand boldly before you, IF YOU ARE READY FOR IT!

3. 一位来自好莱坞的表演者在移动的汽车上纵身穿越火圈。

A man from Hollywood squeezes himself through a hoop of fire as a car moves forward.

4. 372(他就像是一条鲁莽的鲑鱼一般纵身跳到空中,被吸入抛煤口。

372He executes a daredevil salmon leap in the air and is engulfed in the coalhole.

5. 她咬了咬下唇,纵身一跃,挡在了老王爷的前面。

She bitten to bite off lips, jump up and block at old Wang2 Ye2's front.

6. 黎明前,他微睡数小时,觉得心旷神怡,精力充沛,他怀着万事亨通的幸福心情,纵身上马,向田野驰去。

He had slept for a few hours in the early morning, and feeling fresh, and in good health and spirits, in that happy frame of mind in which everything seems possible and everything succeeds, he got on his horse and rode out.

7. 他们受够了煎熬,于是纵身投入烈火中。

And they're sick of the frying pan, so they're jumping into the fire.

8. 当我看到地震救灾以来,竟有数百名战士和营救者蒙难汶川地区;当电视上直播营救队员们将压在废墟下的伤员节肢而后抱着残缺不全的受难者时;当我看到心理工作者面对一张张劫后余生已经麻木的孩子的脸,看到在4000米高空上空降兵义无反顾的纵身一跳,看到专家在碎成瓦砾的聚源中学废墟发现预制板中露出的竟只是钢丝而非钢筋时,对我来说,这些比那些残垣断壁、尸陈旷野的镜头更令人震撼。

When someday, the once riproarious TV programs turn into one voice with plain color; and not until we stand tall and upright, grieved and broken-hearted, have we the chance to ponder over the matters that are heavier than the catastrophe.

9. 我纵身一跳,将小筏子踩到了水中。

I sprang to my feet, and leaped, stamping the coracle under water.

10. 2004年1月1日,一名男子纵身跳入罗马的台伯河,庆祝新年的到来。

January 1, 2004, a man jump jumped into the River Tiber in Rome to celebrate the New Year's arrival.

11. 我想要纵身跃下,但我又害怕摔到地上

I'd like to jump, but I'm afraid to hit the ground

12. 没有人知道,涂博士是怀着怎样的心情,从11楼纵身跃下的。

No one knows, Dr. Tu what state of mind, from the 11th floor of jump to jump.

13. 却听得一声凤鸣小凤载著豆豆到了大殿上空;因为祈神大殿跟*火库前庭不同是完全封闭的建筑豆豆不敢让小凤随便冲破屋顶怕伤及里面的孩子;等小凤绕著屋顶飞了一圈豆豆突然纵身跃离小凤从火焰一时尚未能波及的大殿屋顶中央塌陷的破洞跳进了大殿

In this nick of time, a Phoenix`s cry sounds while Doug and Phoeny arrive the midair above the hall; Because the grand ritual hall is thoroughly closed structure and not as accessible as the forecourt of the ammunition depot, Doug doesn`t dare to let Phoeny break through the roof at random with the possibility of hurting the children under it.

14. 带点战战兢兢,我继续完成那套教练们觉得难度太大的动作,用尽全力往前纵身,旋过杠顶。

Shakily continuing the routine that my coaches had decided was too difficult, I plunged forward with all my might and thrust my body over the top of the bar.

15. 史卡席拉表示,被送到往科尼岛医院的男子不是俱乐部的会员,只是一起参这场年度盛会的两百多名民众的其中一位,他们与八十名俱乐部会员一起纵身跳入摄氏九度的大西洋海水中。

Louie Scarcella, spokesman for the Coney Island Polar Bears, said the one man who was taken to Coney Island Hospital was not a member of the club, but just one of the 200 or so people who joined the 80 club members to take the yearly jump into the 9°C Atlantic Ocean waters.

16. 让大家吃惊的是,那个瘦小的年轻人纵身跳入冰冷和湍急的河流,把那个溺水的女孩拉上了河岸。

To everyone`s surprise, that thin and small young man threw himself into the cold swift river and drew that drowning girl onto the bank.

17. 哦桅杆高耸送你纵身复而招你魂!

O to see you leap and beckon from the tall masts of ships!

18. 流浪汉纵身跃起来/跳进那水塘里

Up got the swagman and jumped into the billabong

19. 然后它从离地24.38公尺的栖木纵身一跃,跳到1.83公尺远的枝头。

Then it launched itself from its perch 80ft above ground, jumping up to 6ft from branch to branch.

20. 如今我只感觉得到他身上魔核的脉动,却竟无丝毫邪气,如果他真的背叛我,以我现在的状况,不宜跟他正面对敌,还是让童博来对付他的好纵身离去

I am just able to sense the pulse of his devil core right now but hardly any evil atmosphere. In case he really betrays me, it`s not a proper timing for present me to confront him. Letting Tung Po fight him is better. leaving with moving skill

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