
文章 2019-07-03 20:00:28 1个回答   ()人看过


The story occurred in Britain in the early twentieth Century, when a penniless American, Henry Adams, came to London. He came to England by working on the ship to mortgage his tickets. A pair of rich brothers bet on a one million - pound note to see if a man can live in London for a month on this bill. Henry was found by two brothers while wandering on the sidewalk. They gave him an envelope. It contains a million pound note issued by the bank. Henry accepted the envelope in a confusing way.

Because he was in shabby clothes, no matter where he went, people treated him in a rude manner. When he took out the bill, the attitude of the people changed. They flattered him. As for the bill, they even allow him to have everything without paying the bill. After a period of time. Henry has become the focus of upper class society. Everyone was curious about him and wanted to know him.

Soon after, he was in trouble. He was in debt, and then the waitress joked with him to hide the bill. As a result, the stock market plunged. People think he is a liar, the hotel was packed with people asking for their money.

Fortunately, a month's deadline is coming soon. Henry gave the bill back to the two brothers. After a big rise and fall, Henry is tired of the pursuit of money. He left with his beloved girl Portia。

故事发生在20世纪初的英国,一位身无分文的美国人Henry Adams偶然来到伦敦。他靠在船上做工来抵押船票才来到了英国。一对富豪兄弟用一张面值一百万英镑的现钞打赌,看一个人是否能靠这张钞票能在伦敦生活一个月。Henry在人行道上游荡时被着两个兄弟发现。他们给了他一个信封。里面装着一张银行发行的百万英镑的钞票。Henry很困惑地接受了这个信封。




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