
文章 2019-07-03 02:56:16 1个回答   ()人看过

Recently, with the increasing busy life of our contemporaries, the loneness of the old ones has been existent as a widespread socail phenomena,which is really worth a plenty of social attention.

There are a couple of principal factors for this issue .Most importantly ,It is because the young are so engaged with their work and study that it is difficult for them to find time visiting their old generations .Furthermore, the unemployment of old people is another influential ground for their loneness since they may have too much free time and don't know what to do .

Since the old generations have made great contribution to the society ,So,they should be respected ,accepted and cared .As for me ,they are at leats two ways to resolve this problem. First ,the old ones can raise pets like dogs or cats to have a accompany ,also, they can have a walk in the park,last, the young should care them and find time together with them as possible .





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