
文章 2019-06-30 20:48:59 1个回答   ()人看过



安静 热闹 积极 认真 谦虚 询问 授课 苦读 摹写 渊博 举手 回答 争取 佩服 鼓励

勤奋 思索 活动 拼搏 冲刺 呐喊 讨论 训练 掌握 踏实 协作 健美 驰骋 表扬 教育

声情并茂 哄堂大笑 对答如流 鸦雀无声 茅塞顿开 书声琅琅 发奋图强 不骄不躁 心不在焉

聚精会神 运用自如 取长补短 博览群书 全神贯注 出类拔萃 寻根究底 恍然大悟 不耻下问

马马虎虎 大显身手 生龙活虎 潜心苦学 不学无术 欢声笑语 三五成群 热闹欢腾 款款清歌

生机勃勃 生机盎然 生机勃发 春色满园 洒满阳光 人声鼎沸 书声琅琅 热闹非凡 垂柳依依

你追我赶 欢声笑语 环境幽雅 清香四溢 景色迷人 奋发向上 茁壮成长 林荫小道













1. The campus of autumn, small grass, little flower, all withered; The mountain tiger on the campus railings, it is changed from the summer green to the autumn maple red, very beautiful, far from the view, like a rendering of ink painting.

2, the flowers are not too weak, they attract beautiful and beautiful butterflies, they dance around the flowers. When the students are not happy, their graceful and graceful dance, like to tell the students about the students happy time, they are more like a robot to recall happy things!

3In the evening, the sun went to the west, and the golden rosy clouds saw it off, and the campus was covered with gold. The garden of the rhododendron, a cluster of flaming flowers vying for qi, a full branch. Several swallows flew freely over the campus.

4Look, there are still a few roses in the flower bed stand proudly, there is red. The powder is very bright. In the autumn wind, it was a bit of a cowering, but it was fighting with its own body and the bleak autumn wind. A gust of autumn wind, it looks a bit shaky, but, it held up, it won, it defeated the cold autumn, gorgeous open.

5 If you go further, you will see a class of small trees and flowers in front of the class. You say it's like a big garden. Yes, it is. Look! The small tree attracted the lovely birds. They build nests and reproduce in trees. At the game, they sound like they're cheering for the athletes. They're more like cheerleaders!

6At noon in spring, the sun goes to the sky. The grass on the campus is like a skillful textile master, who relies on the power of the collective to weave a carpet of green grass. The little tree just woke up from hibernation, and spread out the tender leaves, and added a little green to the campus.

7. The Spring Festival campus has created a beautiful learning environment for us. Hardworking gardeners, teachers, are carefully preparing lessons and nursing our flowers with painstaking care and sweat. The students are grasping at this precious time to study hard. Some students can't take their eyes off the teacher. Some are writing with great concentration; Some students stood in front of the window, staring at the sky and dreaming of the beautiful dawn. Some are reading aloud, and there is a sound of reading on the campus. Recess, students enjoy the vibrant spring scenery garden, take advantage of this wonderful spring with a variety of activities, some in the high jump, some in the long jump, some are playing football, some in table tennis... The breath of spring is so fresh, the students are intoxicated in this spring color.

8, entered the school gate, the tall building that rises up. The two beautiful flowerbeds, the two beautiful flowerbeds, there are all kinds of flowers in the flowerbeds: roses, cuckoos, roses... It smells like perfume.

9On the campus of autumn, the colorful flag flies on the playground, and in the sound of the drums, the autumn games begin, "sunshine sports, youth of youth! Friendship first, competition second!" The students are playing sports and the harvest is friendship!

10. The activity area, which is the children's paradise. Every time in the activity zone, we are happy to play with, you see people play table tennis bent, eyes wide with call waiting for the ball, you look at chess, a person burning forehead with his hand in the thinking, how to beat each other. Look at the jump rope. It's still playing! Some are in the game, some are in constant pattern... Every time I come here, I can hear the laughter of the children. Every time I come here, I can hear the sound of lang lang's reading. Every time I come here, I can see our beautiful campus.

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