1、Sometimes the only way to gain your superior's respect is to defy him.
2、Friends make the worst enemies.
The rational and the irrational complement each other. Individually, they are far less powerful. 理性和非理性是互补的。两者分开的话,力量就会小很多。
3、You know what Francis said to me when he proposed?I remember his exact words.Hesaid, "Claire, if all you want is happiness,Say no.I'm not gonna give you a couple of kids and count the days until retirement.I promise you freedom from that.I promise you'll never be bored."
你知道弗兰西斯向我求婚时说什么吗?他说的每个字我都记得。他说 克莱尔 如果你只想要幸福,那就拒绝吧,我不会跟你生一堆孩子,然后数着日子退休,我保证你免受这些痛苦,也永远不会无聊。
4、There are twokinds of pain.The sort of pain that makes you strong...or useless pain...The sort of pain that's onlysuffering.I have no patience for useless things.I have no patience for useless things.Moments like this require someone who will act...or do the unpleasant thing,or the necessary thing.There...No more pain.
5、Give and take.Welcome to Washington.
6、I love that woman.I love hermore than sharks love blood.
7、A person's character isn't determined by how he or she enjoys vitory but rather howhe or she endures defeat.Nothing can help us endure dark times better than our faith.
8、Forward! That is the battle cry.Leave ideologies for the Armchair General,does me no good.勇往直前这是我的作战口号,纸上谈兵那一套于我无益。
9、Power's a lot like real estate.It's all about location,location, location.The closer you are to the source,the higher your property value.
10、Such a waste of talent.He chose money over power.In this town, a mistake nearly everyone makes.Money is the McMansion in Sarasota that starts falling apart afterten years.Power is the old stone building that stands for centuries.
真是浪费啊,为了钱而放弃权利,这个城市里 几乎人人都犯了这个错。金钱是萨拉索塔的巨无霸豪宅,保质期就只有十年,权力是古老的石砌建筑,能屹立数百年。
11、What a martyr craves more than anything a sword to fall on,so you sharpen the blade,hold it at just the right angle,and then 3, 2, 1--
烈士最渴求的就是壮烈牺牲,所以 你磨好兵刃,调整好角度,默数三 二 一.......
12、Oh, and if you do decide to take the coward's way out,cut along the tracks, not across them.That's a rookie mistake.
13、The most important count I do has nothing to do withwork.It's the number of days since April 4, 1999.As of this morning,that's 5,185.The bigger that number gets, the more it frightens
me,because I know all it takes is one drink to go back to zero.Most people see fear as a weakness. It can be.Sometimes for my job, I have to put fear in other people.I know that's not right.But if I'm honest, like the fourth step asks us to be,I have to be ruthless, because failure is not an option. The same goes for my sobriety.I have to be ruthless with myself.I have to use my fear.It makes me stronger .Like everyone in this room, I can't control who I am.But I can control the zero.Fuck the zero.
对我最重要的数字跟工作无关,而是从1999年4月4日至今的天数,截止今早 一共有5185天。数字越大我越感到害怕,因为我知道一杯酒就能让数字清零。很多人认为恐惧是弱点,有时是的,有时由于工作的关系我要让他人生惧,我知道那样不对,但如果按第四步说的那样 实话实说,我必须残忍 因为我不能失败,戒酒也是如此。要对自己残忍,我得利用恐惧,它让我变得坚强,就像在座各位 我无法改变本性,但我能掌控那个零,让那个零去死吧。
14、I must not lose my resolve.I will march forward,even if I have to do so...alone.
15、Speculation is a poor form of investment and an equally poor form of politics.
16、There is no solace above or below.Only us... Small, solitary,battling one another.I pray to myself, for myself.
天堂地狱都没法给你慰藉,只有我们自己, 渺小 孤独,奋斗 与彼此抗争,我向自己祈祷 为自己祈祷