
文章 2019-07-21 14:41:21 1个回答   ()人看过

The melody

which I have searched for

It has been taken up

all of my heart.

The melody

where in the deepth of my dream

in addition to always moved myself.

these things which happiness or sadness

koncks me from now and then.

The melody

softly told to my ear:

true love is giving not taking.

So as you can listen

there is a beautiful melody

made up by my soul.

The melody

I wana to listen.

It is graceful and warm

using the magic

addictive the wind

and the rainbow.

A poems

writing with melody

likes a breeze

could softely grasp of

my mood.

The melody:

to believe

to trust

to find

to leave behind

to insist on

which is

I do

I firmly

I persist in

I fight for

I use my heart


to the melody

I start but can't complete

I find my own spirits.

Darling please remembering that:

Time takes no account of time


treasure it !

——Writen by shanyukongmeng exclusive.

Thanks all !

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