
文章 2019-07-21 04:13:02 1个回答   ()人看过



母亲节起源于希腊,古希腊人在这一天向希腊神话中的众神之母赫拉致敬。在17世纪中叶,母亲节流传到英国,英国人把封斋期的第四个星期天作为母亲节。在这一天里,出门在外的年青人将回到家中, 给他们的母亲带上一些小礼物。

现代意义上的母亲节起源于美国,由Amanm、Jarvis(1864-1948) 发起,她终身未婚,一直陪伴在她母亲身边。

于1905年世纪,在母亲去世时, Amanm悲痛欲绝。两年后(1907年),Amanm和她的朋友开始写信给有 影响的部长、商人、议员来寻求支持,以便让母亲节成为一个法定的节日。Amanm认为子女经常忽视了对母亲的感情,她希望母亲节能够让人 多想一想母亲为家庭所付出的一切。

第一个母亲节于1908年5月10日在西弗吉尼亚和宾夕法尼亚州举行, 在这次节日里,康乃磬被选中为献给母亲的花,并以此流传下来。




I don't know how God looks like but I am cent percent sure he can't be better than you mom.

I asked God for a flower and he gave me a garden; I asked God for a mom and he gave me the best one. I just wanna tell you mom that you are everything to me. May the Lord keep you under His wings always.

You may have tangible wealth untold; Caskets of jewels and coffers of gold. Richer than I you can never be - I have a mother who reads to me.

You mean a lot to me mom. You are the friend who lend me a hand whenever I'm down and hurt. You are a wise person who advice me and lead me the way when I'm lost. You are the lap that keeps me warm whenever I'm cold. You are the shelter that I turn to whenever I'm in trouble. You are everything I can't live without and everything that I want to be in the future. I'm proud to say to everyone that you are my mother.

Mom, do you know that a man loves his sweetheart the most, his wife the best, but his mother the longest? To me there's no need for Mom's Day because every day to me is Mom's Day.

Mom, you are the place I came from, my first home, my first love, my first friend, even my first enemy, but nothing on earth can separate you from me. Not time, not space...not even death!

Though I have not seen you mom for the last 7 years, you are always in front of my eyes. My one eye bears your picture, while the other looks on to the world to which you brought me in. I hope one day I will meet you, and tell you how much I have missed you. I will be reborn again, when I put my head on your lap and fall asleep, like you used to put me to bed during my sleepless nights.

If tears could build a stairway and memory a lane, we would walk right to heaven and bring you home again.


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