
文章 2019-07-20 16:07:21 1个回答   ()人看过


Write at least 60 words about the topic “I get___ from my class life”(以“我从班级生活中得到____”为题,写一篇不少于60个词的短文,标点符号不占格,请在答题纸上把作文题目补充完整,如:I get friendship/happiness/help…from my class life.)每个人的成长都离不开班级生活,你认为你的班级生活如何?从中你最大的收获是什么?你又想为班集体做些什么?(注意:短文中不得出现任何人名、校名及其它相关信息,否则不予评分。)The following points are for referencing only. (以下句型仅供参考)My class life is exciting/boring/interesting…I get… from…I expect/hope (that/to)…

Ø 昂立中考名师孙焕奂老师范文:I get friendship from my class lifeFriendship is one of the most valuable relationships in one’s life. Luckily, I make good friends and maintain precious friendship from my class life. As the saying①“true friendship is a plant of slow growth” goes, I did not harvest friendship as easily and quickly as I had expected at the beginning of my class life. However, when I try my best to help the classmates in need, I begin to win their trust and respect. As time goes by, classmates ②of the similar interest and ③sharing the same belief come together and become good friends. ④Living and studying in a friendly and harmonious atmosphere in my class, I feel so happy that I always ⑤make every effort to make contribution to my class. ⑥With all my friends thinking in the same way, my class has become a lovely family.(Words: 146 )Ø 内容分析:浦东新区的一模作文题目,命题贴近学生的校园生活,基本可以确保拿到这个题目的学生人人有话可说,且可以做到言之有物。第一步:审题I get____ from my class life, 下划线部分是需要学生自行填充的。题干部分给了诸如friendship/happiness/help等提示词供考生参考,从这些词的共性中不难发现,尽管是自由发挥,填入下划线部分的应该是一个较为概括性的、比较抽象的词汇。换言之,考生不可以填写a schoolbag等具体的实物。第二步:构思考生可以从提示词中任选一个进行创作,也可以联系自己的班级生活,选取一个从班级生活中获得的“最大的收获”来写作,比如:lovegood luckstimulation等;不管选取哪一个词汇,一定需要足够的论证和例证来支撑论点。建议考生选取一个比较熟悉的词汇,在考场上的有限时间里,考生不必放弃自己熟悉的词域而刻意标新立异。第三步: 成文正所谓“凡事预则立,不预则废”,尽管考试时间紧张,一篇优秀的文章离不开一个良好的谋篇布局。建议考生在稿纸上简单粗略的写几个关键词,作为提纲,指导写作思路。草稿关键词以“动词/动词词组”为主,因为动词是一个句子的灵魂,可以表达作者最主要的思想。Ø 精彩亮点分析:亮点一: 出自George Washington,原句为:True friendship is a plant of slow growth, and must undergo and withstand the shocks of adversity before it is entitled to that appellation. 真正的友谊是慢慢生长的树,要经得起患难的冲击,才称得上真正的友谊。亮点二:介词短语做后置定语,修饰限定classmates;亮点三:现在分词做后置定语,与介词短语并列,修饰限定classmates;亮点四:现在分词做原因状语,与主句构成因果关系;亮点五:词组make every effort to do sth. , 尽全力做某事;亮点六:With结构的独立主格,使句式更加多样。

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