
文章 2019-07-20 00:25:45 1个回答   ()人看过


Now, ladies and gentlemen, we are in Africa. And just imagine that you are an animal like a lion , giraffe, a rabbit or something. We three are penguins from New York city and we came here to travel three years age. And now we are leaving. Melmen, and Marty and Gloria.

Marty: We are gonna miss you little friends. You guys had been a great crowd.

Glad we can introduce you to the toilet.

If you ever come to look at Central Manhattan, feel free to call first.

Seriously no, call. OK?

Gloria: Oh, baby, I’m gonna miss you so much. You all will miss me too, right? No, I

don’t want to leave ,I’m gonna cry.

Melmen: Everybody in quickly. Get in the plane. Get in. Get in quick. We must leave

here. It’s so horrible, I don’t want to stay here any minute! Get in quick, or I’ll leave you here!

Marty and Gloria shouting: No! Oh, wait!

Section 2:

We are in the plane, which we made by ourselves during these there months. I’m the captain.

Melmen ,Marty, Gloria:

Struts. Checked.

Fillets. Checked.

Engine. Checked.

Coffee mate. Checked.

Melmen: good bye and never see you again!

Melmen: This is your captain speaking.

In the event of a water emergency,

place the vest over your head then kiss your life good bye!

Marty: New York City, here we come baby.

Gloria: sit back, relax and pray your personal gods that this hunk of junk flies.

Plus, this is the 36th time we try to leave here.

Melmen: OK, guys, launch!

Marty: I think we will see much more fun the further way we get from. Melmen: Yeah, like when the lion beat you on the butt?

Gloria: You don't need to be sarcastic Marty. –

Hey guys, you know, I was thinking.

When we get back, I might assign up for the breeding program.

Melmen: Breeding program? –

Gloria: I think we all reach a point on our lives...

when we wanna meet somebody, you know settle down, have a relationship.

Marty: Skipper, look.

Analysis. - It looks like a small incandescent bulb designed to

indicate something out of the ordinary. Like a malfunction.

Melmen: I found it pretty and somewhat hypnotic.

Right. Gloria, manual. Oh, what’s this?


Gloria: Oh, my goash! What are you doing!

Melmen: See, problem solved!

Marty: skipper, we may be out of fuel.

Melmen: What makes you think that?

Marty: We lost engine one.

Gloria: And engine two is no longer on fire.

Melmen:Buckle up guys.

Don't look dull. This might get hairy.


This is your captain speaking.

I've got good news and bad news.

The good news is, we will be landing immediately.

The bad news is...

we are crush landing!

Gloria:When it comes to air travel, we know you have no choice what so ever.

But thanks again for choosing air penguin.

Flaps up! Deploy!

Oh, no! I miss my mum!

Oh, I haven’t have a boyfriend yet! No, I’ve not even tell Jack that I love him!


After the plane crashed

Gloria: Oh, we are here.

What in the world?

What happened to the plane?

Marty: The plane crashed, I'm OK. I'm alive.

Melmen: Oh, no! we’re still in Africa!!

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