
文章 2019-07-19 19:17:20 1个回答   ()人看过

Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.





Dear Mr. Huang,

I’m a student of senior three and my name is Li Min. Knowing that you are taking charge of the recruit of a foreign teacher for our school, I’m now writing to you to state some of my opinions about this matter.

With regard to the qualities of the foreign teacher, there are two aspects that we should place greatimportance on. First of all, being humorous and imaginative are necessary for the teacher, which enable the class to be enjoyable and lively. For another, to maintain the efficiency of teaching and learning, the foreigner’s ability
to speak Chinese is important, since it is certain that sometimes students cannot express themselves in English.

So as to make full use of the foreign teacher resources, a variety of outdoor activities, such as English Evening and English Corner, can be held by the foreign language teacher, which provides the students with more opportunities to communicate with the teacher and to improve their oral English.

I will be delighted if you can take my advice into account. Thank you.

Sincerely Yours,

Li Min

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