帕西爷爷和小动物们玩寻宝游戏啦!帕西爷爷把寻宝线索画在纸上,贴在爱心公园跷跷板上,雕像上…… 小动物们玩得可开心了!可帕西爷爷一不小心把游戏的奖品吃了,还忘记贴上最后一张线索图了,最后小动物们找到宝藏了吗?
“Look! There’s a note on the tree,” says the squirrel. “Follow the pictures on the notes and you will find the treasure! Percy,” the squirrel reads. The animals are excited for the treasure hunt (寻宝游戏)in the park.
Now, Percy puts nearly all his pictures in place. He takes out some chocolate to eat. Oh, Percy forgets one thing: the chocolate is the treasure! Then he dozes off (打瞌睡)...
But the animals are having great fun. At almost noon, they are searching for (搜寻) the last picture. They are wandering around (转来转去) a signpost. The fox shouts: “This signpost is the last picture I think! Follow me.” The animals run to a cattle shelter (牛棚) outside of the park.
“Moooo (哞)...” It is a young calf ! The animals scramble up (爬上) the tree as fast as they can.
“You won’t find any pictures up there,” laughs Percy. He watches it all. “Come down and meet Lucy! She wants to play with you!” Lucy the calf is very friendly.
“We don’t find the treasure,” says the fox, “but we found (找到) a friend!”