即 " composing an argument "。想要写出一篇优秀的议论文,需要作者拥有严谨的逻辑思维和清晰的语言表达。本文从以下几个方面讲述英语议论文写作的方法步骤。
What is an argument?
In composing an argument, you try to clarify an issue or solve a problem by finding the common ground between you and others who will read your work. Using critical thinking, you develop and test your own ideas. Using a variety of techniques, you engage readers in an attempt to narrow the distance between your views and theirs.
Finding a subject 寻找题材
An arguement subject must be arguableg—that is, reasonable people will disagree over it and be able to support their positions with evidence.
Conceiving a thesis statement 构思
The thesis is the main idea of your paper. In an argument the thesis statement makes the claim that you want your readers to accept or act on.
Analyzing your purpose and your audience 分析写作目的和读者
Your purpose in argument is, broadly, to engage readers in order to convince them of your position or persuade them to act.
Using reason 使用推理
As a writer of argument, you seek to provide evidence for your claims and clear reasoning about the relationship of evidence and claims.
Using evidence 使用论据
Whether your argument is reasonable or not depends heavily on the evidence you marshal to support it.
Reaching your readers 影响读者
To reach your readers in argument, you apeal directly to their reason and emotions, you present yourself as someone worth heeding, and you account for views opposing your own.
Organizing your argument 组织论文结构
All arguments include the same parts: the introduction, the body, the response to opposing views and the conclusion.
Revising your argument 修改议论文
When you revise your argument, do it at least two stages—revising underlying meaning and structure.