
文章 2019-07-18 02:28:55 1个回答   ()人看过

There was an official who swore never to kill any living creature, but his wife had a nasty temper and a greedy mouth. Every day she killed some animal to make a tasty dish. Her husband never ate any of those dead animals.


One year she was having a big feast prepared for her birthday. There were pigs, goats, chickens, and ducks, all crying sadly, because they knew they were going to die.


When the official saw this, he felt very sorry. He told his wife, Tomorrow is your birthday, but all these animals are about to die. You should feel sorry for them, and do a good deed.


That made her mad. She said, You mean we should all be Buddhists and swear off killing? If everybody did that, in a few years, there would be animals all over the place. Im not going to buy that!


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