波兰现英雄大丹犬妈 一胎下崽17只的故事

文章 2019-07-17 13:10:07 1个回答   ()人看过

波兰现"英雄"大丹犬妈 一胎下崽17只

This Great Dane has her work cut out after she gave birth to 17 puppies.


Gazing adoringly at the camera, four-year-old Hania feeds her puppies around the clock to ensure they don't go hungry.


The tiny pups, pictured at only three-days old, have to scramble and fight one another off to make sure they get their fair share of milk.


And to make sure none of them are left without food their breeder, Gabriela Kubalska, helps to nurse the litter and has drafted in the help of another female Great Dane.

为了保证这17只小狗崽都能吃到吃饱奶,他们的主人Gabriela Kubalska还贴心的牵来另一只雌性大丹犬,一同哺育这些小宝宝。

Their exhausted mother and the brood take up the entire ground floor of their owner's house which is located in Warsaw, Poland.


The whimpering pedigree pups, eight male and nine female, were born by Cesarean section at a veterinary clinic near their home.


Ms Kubalska decided to spare her prized pedigree dog the pain of a long labour - especially since this is her first litter.


A Rhodesian Ridgeback in Germany also hit the headlines last September when she also gave birth to 17 puppies.


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