
文章 2019-07-17 09:55:42 1个回答   ()人看过

attribute ~ axe

The author carefully parked his automobile in an available space along the avenue heading to the lecture hall. He was on auto-pilot as he was still preparing his speech. He was going to receive the award of the "golden axe" and was to speak in front of the audience. As far as he was aware, this prize was usually given in an awful hurry, followed by some awkward event, the main attribute of the Academy. However, he decided they might not attribute his absence to some type of authority shyness, and that they might even award the prize to his rival, a member of the non-writing group, who only published his work by audio cassette. So he hurried towards the hall, opened the door and was amazed at what he saw: a man had an automatic gun in one hand, the trophy in the other, and was robbing the members of the Ladies Auxiliary!


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