
文章 2019-07-15 09:42:53 1个回答   ()人看过



May-Welby said: 'The concepts of man or woman don?t fit me. The simplest solution is not to have any sex identification.'

A British expat who claims to have no gender is thought to have become the first person to be officially recognized as neither male nor female.

Norrie May-Welby, 48, was born a man but had a sex change operation in 1990, at the age of 28.

After becoming unhappy as a woman, May-Welby decided to become a “neuter”. The 48-year-old is now officially recognized as a person of no specific gender.

May-Welby emigrated to Australia at the age of seven after being born in Paisley, Renfrewshire.更多信息请访问:

Officials there altered the Briton’s birth certificate to include the new no-gender classification after doctors were apparently unable to determine the sex of the expat’s body.

May-Welby said: “The concepts of man or woman don’t fit me. The simplest solution is not to have any sex identification.”

The UK’s Gender Trust welcomed the case. A spokesman said: “Many people like the idea of being genderless.”

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