
文章 2019-07-12 04:12:58 1个回答   ()人看过


Tas One段落理解: 在段落前标上序号,并选出每段的大意。

Paragraph 1 A:Sin sends Ma a pht and ass Ma t repl.

Paragraph 2 B. Sin wants t be Ma’s penfriend and he gives se infratin abut hiself.

Paragraph 3 C,Sin gives infratin(信息)abut his

schl ,sprts ,his best subect and his drea b.

Paragraph 4 D.Sin tals abut his fail and he.

Tas Tw 听录音,完成书本P4D 练习



1, 阅读第一段,寻找Sin个人信息,填写下面表格

English Nae Chinese Nae





Favurite hbb Other hbbies?

2,阅读第 二段,判断下面的说法正确(T)还是错误(F)。

1.Sin’s parents wn a Chinese restaurant.

2.Sin and his fail live far fr the restaurant.

3. Sin can spea Chinese and he als can write it ver well.

4, Edwin is Sin’s brther and he is an engineer in Lndn.


1,What are the teachers lie in Sin’s schl?

A, rude B friendl C bring D strict(严格)

2,What des Sin want t be?

A, An engineer B A chess plaer

C A teacher D An architect

3, Where is Sin in the pht?

A On the left B On the right

C In the iddle D in the frnt

4,Which f the fllwing is NOT true?

A,Sin lives near schl.

B Sin is een n plaing rugb.

C Sin is in Fr One at Waler Schl.

D Sin’s best subect is English.

Fill I 用适当的词填空(一空一词).

Sin writes a letter t Ma and he wants t be Ma’s____________. Sin tells Ma sething abut hiself.

He’s___ _ears ld. He’s 163 c. He has __ hair and _____ees. He lies plaing best.

Sin has a brther. His nae is . Sin’s brther is 23 ears ld and wrs as an . Sin lives near his schl, s he ges t schl .

He ens plaing rugb and in winter, and in suer. His best subect at schl is . He wants t be ______ ______when he grws up.

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