Story of Joshua约书亚的故事
Story of Joshua约书亚的故事(1)
Children in America love to play a game called "Mother, May I?" One child stands facing a line of children a distance away. The one child calls out a command, but the other children must remember to ask"Mother, may I?" before they move. When the leading child says, "Yes, you may, " then the child in the line may move. The children groan when they forget to ask, "Mother, may I?" for it means one must go back to the starting line。
在美国的小孩子喜欢一个游戏, 叫做; "妈妈, 可以吗?"这个游戏怎么玩呢?孩子们排成一对, 让一个孩子面对他们, 站得稍远一点。让另一个孩子喊出一个命令, 其他人必须记得说; "妈妈, 可以吗?"当站在前面的人说; "是的, 可以。"他们才能跑开。但如果有谁忘记了说; "妈妈, 可以吗?"他就必须回到队尾。
That reminds me of what happened to Joshua and the leaders of Israel. Listen for a groan from the people of Israel in our Bible lesson today!
Do you remember the names of the two cities that Joshua and the soldiers of Israel have conquered since they crossed over the Jordan River?The first city was Jericho, and the second was the little city of Ai. All the other cities were hearing about these incredible victories, and they were afraid."Will we be the next?" they were probably asking.
你还记得以色列人过约旦河后攻取的两座城的名字吗?第一个是耶利哥, 第二座城是一个小城叫艾。现在, 所有其它城的居民都听说了以色列人的胜利, 他们都很害怕, "我们会不会是下一个目标?"他们也许在问。
The Bible says in Joshua 9:1 and 2, "when all the kings heard they gathered themselves together, to fight with Joshua and .."Israel."" They decided their best defense would be to fight together. As these kings were making their plans to fight Israel, there was one city that made very different plans!
约书亚记9章1-2节说; "当所有的王, 听见这事, 就都聚集, 同心合意地要与约书亚和以色列人争战。"他们觉得最好的方法就是联合起来。当所有的王在计划怎样抵挡以色列人的时候, 有一个城市的人却出了一个截然不同的主意。
It seems that the people of the city of Gibeon realized that fighting Joshua would be useless.So they worked very slyly! They had some men dress up as ambassadors to go to Israel. An ambassador is an official messenger sent from a country usually for the purpose of keeping peace between countries.
基遍的居民可能已经意识到不管他们怎样准备, 他们是没有办法抵抗以色列人的。于是他们绞尽脑汁, 想出一个很狡猾的计谋。他们派出一些人假扮使者到以色列人那里去。使者一般是由一个国家正式派出的官员, 目的是为了和平。
But these men from Gibeon intentionally dressed up in old, dusty clothes, and put on old, worn-out shoes. They put old sacks for saddles on their donkeys, and took old, worn out wine bottles. They even took dry, moldy bread. Well, what do you suppose they are going to do, boys and girls?
但是这些基遍的使者却故意将补过的旧鞋穿在脚上, 把旧衣服穿在身上, 拿旧口袋和破裂缝补的旧皮酒袋驮在驴上, 甚至他们所带的饼都是干的, 长了霉的。小朋友们, 这些基遍人想干什么呢?
Joshua 9:6 says, "And they went to Joshua to the camp, and said to him, and to the men of Israel, "We have come from a far country:now make a league with us." A league meant a peace agreement. Joshua and the men of Israel looked them over carefully as they listened.
约书亚记9章6节说; "他们到吉甲营中见约书亚, 对他和以色列说:"我们是从远方来的, 现在求你与我们立约。"立约就是和平的约。当他们说话的时候, 约书亚和以色列人仔细地打量著他们。
The Gibeonites were very good actors! They SAID they were from a far country, they LOOKED like they had come a long way, but in their hearts they KNEW they were lying. And God knew it. The Bible says, "Man looks on the outward appearance, but the LORD looks on the heart." The heart is the real you that's listening to me right now. No matter what you wear or how nice you try to act, God sees the real you on the inside! What does God see when He looks at our hearts?
这些基遍人真是很好的演员。他们说自己是从远方来的, 他们穿得破破烂烂的, 看起来也象是走了很远的路。但他们心里知道他们在说谎。神当然知道他们在说谎。圣经上说"人是看外貌, 神是看内心。" 你的心才代表真正的你。不管你穿什么, 举止多么文雅, 神是看你的内心。当神看我们的心的时候, 他是看什么呢?
Jeremiah 17:9 says, "The heart is deceitful and desperately wicked." God knows every jealous thought we've ever had, every lie we've ever told, every time we've pouted, or disobeyed. And He doesn't excuse even the smallest sin. God is our loving Creator, but He is also holy, completely perfect, and says SIN MUST BE PUNISHED. For those who do not believe in Jesus, that punishment is everlasting death and separation from God. Being a good actor might help you escape punishment here on earth, but remember, God sees your heart!
耶利米书17章9节说; "人心比万物都诡诈, 坏到极处, 谁能识透呢?"神知道我们每一个嫉妒的思想, 每一句谎言, 每一次与人闹别扭, 每一次不顺服。神不能容忍罪, 哪怕是最小的罪。虽然神是创造我们, 爱我们的神。但他又是圣洁, 完美的神。他说;罪必须受到惩罚。对于那些不相信耶稣的人, 那个惩罚就是永远的死, 和与神永远的分离。一个人可以成为一个很好的演员, 暂时逃过世上的审判, 但记住, 神看你的内心。
The Gibeonites were very good actors, as they presented their story to Joshua and the people of Israel. But Joshua and the men of Israel could not see in their hearts, so they tried to figure out the truth from what they saw."Suppose you people really live close to us, and you're just lying to us. How can we be sure we should make a league with you?" the men of Israel asked.
在约书亚和以色列人面前, 这些基遍人装得很象。但约书亚和以色列人并不能看到人的心, 他们只能凭著他们所看见的来识别真假。以色列人对这些基遍人说:"只怕你们是住在我们中间的, 你们没有讲真话。如果是这样, 我们怎能和你们立约呢?
"Main Truth:Link:The men of Israel were suspicious, but they didn't know for sure. But they were using their eyes and their minds to try to figure out the truth. Was that enough?What was the most important thing they should have done right then?You are right if you said:"Ask God about it?, for He knew everything about these strangers! Remember the game, "Mother, may I?" If you are God's child, don't forget to come to Him with every decision and say, "Father, may I?" Your Heavenly Father knows the very best answer!
以色列人虽然怀疑, 但他们并不能确定。他们只能凭著他们所看见的, 所听见的来识别真假。但那是不够的。他们现在最应该做什么呢?如果你的答案是; "求问神。"那就对了。因为神知道一切。还记得那个?妈妈, 可以吗?的游戏吗?如果你是神的孩子, 在你做每一个决定之前, 不要忘记来到神的前面, 问他; "天父, 可以吗?"我们的天父知道最好的答案。
The men of Israel were suspicious, but they didn't ask God for wisdom and direction! Joshua just kept asking questions."Who are you, and from what country did you come?" The Gibeonites had their answers all ready."We are your servants who have come from a very far country, and we came because we heard about the Lord your God, and all that He did in Egypt, and how He helped you defeat all those kings on the other side of Jordan.
尽管以色列人怀疑, 但他们并没有到神面前去寻求智慧, 问问神他们应当怎样做。连约书亚也只是在问问题。"你们是什么人?是从哪里来的?"基遍人早已准备好了答案。他们说; "我们是你的仆人, 从极远之地而来, 是因听见你神的名声和他在埃及所行的一切事, 并他帮助你们击败了约旦河东所有的国王。
So we wanted to make a league with you. If you don't believe us, look at our bread?we took it hot out of the oven the day we left, and now look, it is dry and moldy. Look at our shoes and clothes how worn out they are. You can tell we have been traveling a long, long time."Joshua 9:14 is a very sad verse:"And men (of Israel) did not ask counsel at the mouth of the LORD."
所以我们想和你们立约。如果你不相信我们, 看看我们的饼, 从家里带出来的这饼还是热的。看哪, 现在都干了, 长了霉了。我们这衣服和鞋, 因为道路甚远, 也都穿旧了, 我们实在是走了好远的路。"约书亚记9章14节的记载实在令人难过; "以色列人并没有求问神。"
They didn't pray about it, to ask God's direction. They made the wrong decisions. They decided to make peace with these ambassadors, and let them live. So they made a league with the men of Gibeon and promised them before the Lord that they would not kill them.
以色列人没有祷告, 没有求问神。结果他们做出了错误的决定。他们决定与基遍的假使者讲和, 与他们立约, 让他们活著。会众的首领也向他们起誓他们不会杀他们。
Only 3 days later they found out the truth. And the truth was that the Gibeonites had really only come about 20 miles! They were not from a far country at all! Can you just hear that groan going up from the camp of Israel!! Gibeah was actually one of the cities Joshua was planning to conquer, and now he had promised before the Lord that the people of Israel would not hurt them.
过了三天, 以色列人才发现不对了。原来基遍人离他们只有20英里, 是他们的近邻。小朋友们, 你听见以色列人发的怨言了吗?基遍其实是以色列人要攻打的一座城, 但他们已经在神面前起了誓不伤害他们。
The Bible says the people of Israel complained, but they knew they had promised before the Lord, and they could not break that promise, or they will be in trouble with the Lord. But Joshua and the leaders of Israel called the Gibeonites together and asked them, "Why did you deceive us, telling us you were from a far country, when you really live very close?"
圣经说以色列人虽然抱怨, 但他们知道他们已经在神面前起了誓, 他们就不能违反他们的誓言, 否则他们在神面前会有麻烦。约书亚和以色列人的首领们把基遍人叫来, 对他们说; "为什么欺哄我们说:"我们离你们甚远呢?, 其实你们是住在我们中间的。"
The Gibeonites had a very good answer, boys and girls!"Because we heard how the Lord your God commanded his servant Moses to give you all the land, and to destroy all of us, so we were very afraid for our lives because of you, and have done this thing. And now, we are in your hand, whatever seems right and good to you to do to us, do it.""
基遍人回答得非常好。他们说; "因为有人实在告诉你的仆人, 你的神曾吩咐他的仆人摩西, 把这全地赐给你们, 并在你们面前灭绝这地的一切居民;所以, 我们为你们的缘故甚怕丧命, 就行了这事。现在我们在你手中, 你以怎样待我们为善为正, 就怎样做吧!"
The Gibeonites had done the only thing they knew to do to be saved from destruction! Did you know there is only one thing you and I can do to be saved from everlasting death and destruction?John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son that whosever believes in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." The word"perish?means to be destroyed forever.
基遍人知道这是他们脱离死亡的唯一的方法。你知道吗?我和你也只有一个逃避永远灭亡的唯一方法。约翰福音3章16节说; "神爱世人, 甚至将他的独生子赐给他们, 叫一切信他的, 不至灭亡, 反得永生。" "灭亡"是指永远的死亡。
But God loves you so much that He was willing to give up the dearest treasure of His heart, His perfect Son Jesus, for YOU. How did God give His Son?He sent Jesus to earth to die in your place, taking your punishment and mine for sin. When wicked men nailed Jesus to a wooden cross, He was taking our place. After the Lord Jesus died and was buried, He came alive again on the 3rd day.
但, 因为神爱你, 他舍弃了他最宝贝的爱子, 我们的主耶稣。这是怎么回事呢?他让他的儿子到世上来, 为你死, 承担你的罪, 当耶稣被钉在十字架上的时候, 他是代替了你。他第三天从死里复活。
Now Jesus is in Heaven, and believing in Him is the ONLY way you and I can be saved from everlasting death and destruction. The Gibeonites knew of only one way they could be saved from destruction by Joshua and the army of Israel. And that was to trick the people of Israel.
Joshua kept his promise to save their lives, but because they had deceived the people of Israel, Joshua said, "Now because of this, you are cursed and there shall none of you be freed from being servants to us. You will cut wood and carry water for the house of our God."
约书亚按照他起的誓没有杀基遍人, 但因为他们欺哄了以色列人, 约书亚就说; "现在你们是被咒诅的!你们中间的人必断不了作奴仆, 为我神的殿作劈柴挑水的人。"
Do you think the people of Israel really wanted to be bothered with a lot of strangers in their camp?No, and every day as Joshua and the people of Israel saw a Gibeonite chopping wood, or bringing water, they would be reminded of the sad consequences of not asking God for His direction! If you are God's child, remember to ask God's directions so you can make right decisions!
基遍人大概巴不得地接受这个安排。因为劈柴挑水总比被以色列人毁灭好得多。你觉得以色列人会不会因为营中住的这些陌生人而烦恼呢?是的, 当他们每天看见基遍人劈柴挑水, 他们就想起令人难过的往事, 都是因为他们没有寻求神的带领, 才会有这样的结果。如果你是神的孩子, 要记住, 在一切事上来寻求神的带领, 使你能够做出正确的决定。
Bad decisions can cause you much sorrow, some for the rest of your life! Will you begin daily to read God's Word?His Word is our best counselor! And pray anytime, anywhere, about anything! God promises His Holy Spirit will be a guide for us in making right decisions.
一个错误的决定会让你付出重大的代价, 有时甚至生命。你好不好开始每天来读神的话。神的话是我们最好的老师。为每件事来祷告。祷告可以是任何时候, 任何地方。神应许我们他的圣灵要来带领我们做出正确的决定。
Story of Joshua约书亚的故事(2)
The people of Jericho were so puzzled! For six days they had watched from their city walls as the enemy armies of Israel had come once a day and marched quietly around their city, and then left!
耶利哥城所有的人都觉得莫名其妙。已经六天了, 他们在城墙上观看以色列军队。见他们每一天静悄悄的绕着耶利哥城墙XXXX, 然后就回到自己的营地。
Oh, the first day the people of Jericho were terrified, even their strongest soldiers were very afraid! All the cities in the land of Canaan were hearing about the God of these people called the Israelites, how He had opened the Jordan River and let over 2 million Israelites cross over on dry land. They had heard how this powerful God had enabled His people to conquer the strongest kings on the other side of Jordan. Now Israel was on THEIR side of the Jordan River, marching around the city of Jericho. What would happen?The people of Jericho did not know, but the people of Israel knew!
第一天, 耶利哥城的人都吓坏了, 甚至他们中最强壮的人也害怕了。因为迦南地所有的居民都听说以色列人的神, 使约旦河水份开, 让200万以色列人踩着干地过了约旦河。他们也听说这位大能的神使以色列人征服了约旦河那边最强大的国王。现在, 以色列人又来到了约旦河的这一边, 绕着耶利哥城墙XXXX。耶利哥城的人不知道会发生什么事, 但以色列人知道。
Let's slip quietly into the camp of Israel and listen as Commander Joshua instructs the people!" Tomorrow is the 7th day, the day God will give us the victory over Jericho! Let's go over those details once more:We all get up about dawn tomorrow and march around the city 7 times, just as before, only when the priests blow a special long blast on the ram's horn, you will all shout with a great shout; and the wall of the city shall fall down flat! Immediately you are to go straight before you to completely destroy the city."
来听听约书亚是怎么吩咐百姓的。"明天是第七天, 神要把耶利哥城给我们。让我们再过一遍细节:明天一早, 我们要绕城七次, 当祭司吹角的时候, 你们要大声呼喊, 耶利哥城就会倒塌。然后你们要马上冲进城去, 将城攻取。"
Perhaps it was then that Joshua spoke to the two young men who had spied out the city: "You two will go straight to Rahab's house and bring out her family to safety, as you promised her." Then Joshua gave final instructions:"Jericho is an accursed city. Do not take anything out of Jericho for yourself. But be sure to bring out all silver, gold, brass, and iron that you find. This we will put in the treasury of the Lord." Joshua was making sure that all of God's instructions were carefully obeyed.
也许, 就在那时候, 约书亚对那两个曾经进立时, 城做探子的人说:"你们要去喇合的家里, 把她家里人安全地带出来, 按照你们向她保证的那样。然后, 约书亚说, 耶利哥是一个受诅咒的地方。不要从那里取任何的东西留给自己。但要把金银铜铁的器皿那出来, 这些东西要归神为圣, 要放入神的库中。约书亚要确定神的吩咐都被遵守了。
There are many important reasons for obeying God! Joshua knew obedience to God's Word would be the only reason they would win this battle at Jericho!
At dawn on the 7th day, the Israeli army assembled again. The priests shouldered the poles that held up the precious ark of the covenant. The 7 priests with trumpets took their place and the last march began. This time the march would be how many times around the city?That's right, 7 times! As before, the army said not a word during the march. As the 7th time around began, they listened intently for a certain signal from the ram's horn.
第七日清早, 以色列军队聚在一起, 祭司扛着约柜。七个吹角的祭司走在前面, 开始最后一天的XXXX。你还记得他们要绕城几次吗?七次!象以前一样, 没有人说话。当第七圈开始的时候, 每个人都竖起耳朵, 等待着那祭司的角声。
Suddenly the priests blew with the trumpets! Immediately the entire army shouted with all their might! And immediately the high thick walls of Jericho fell down. Not in a big pile, no! The walls fell down flat! So flat that the men of Israel were able to quickly obey the next part of God's instructions. Do you remember what those instructions were?They were to rush in and completely destroy the city, all the animals and yes, all the people. What were the two spies to do?
突然, 祭司吹起了羊角!一听见角声, 以色列人就使出最大的劲呼喊起来。立时, 耶利哥那厚厚的城墙倒塌了。倒塌下来的城墙不是堆在一起的, 而是平摊在地上。所以, 以色列军队马上按照神的吩咐进行。你还记得那些吩咐吗?他们要马上冲进城去, 完全毁灭这城, 所有的牲畜, 是的, 还有所有的人。那两个探子要做什么呢?
They were to go straight to Rahab's house and bring her family to safety. How would they know which house was Rahab's?They had been watching that red cord in the window for 7 days! No doubt Rahab and her family had watched during those 7 days of marching, knowing the army of Israel was going to destroy their city, but not knowing when.
他们要马上冲进城去, 完全毁灭这城, 所有的牲畜, 是的, 还有所有的人。那两个探子要做什么呢?他们要去喇合的家里, 把她家里人安全地带出来。他们怎么知道哪个房子是喇合的家呢?七天以来, 他们一直注意着那根从喇合窗口垂下来的红线绳。喇合和她家里人也在观看以色列人的XXXX, 他们知道耶利哥城将被毁灭, 但不知道是什么时候。
But Rahab knew the army saw her red cord in the window, and that she would be safe no matter when they came. Wouldn't you like to know that no matter what happens, you could have a place where you know you would be safe?As you see on television news, this world is a place of danger and trouble. Have you ever wondered why there is so much trouble in the world?
喇合知道以色列人看见了她从窗口垂下来的红线绳, 她也知道不管以色列人什么时候进来, 她是安全的。那你是不是也想找到一个安全地方?从电视上播出的新闻, 我们知道这个世界充满了危险和麻烦。你有没有想过这是为什么呢?
Even though our perfect Creator God made the world as a perfectly safe and happy place, it did not stay that way. When the first man disobeyed God, sin came into the world. With it came every bad thing, including death. Romans 5:12 says, "as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned."
虽然神起初造世界的时候, 把它造成一个又安全, 又快乐的地方。但当第一个人没有听神的话, 违背了神的时候, 罪就进入了世界。当罪来的时候, 各种坏的东西也跟着进来了, 包括死。罗马书5章12节说:"这就如罪是从一人入了世界, 死又是从罪来的,于是死就临到众人,因为众人都犯了罪。"
God says you and I and all people in the world are sinners. We all think, say and do things that don't please God. You may never take drugs, or become a terrorist, but God still calls you a sinner.
你, 还有世上所有的人都是罪人。我们所想的, 所说的, 所作的, 都不讨神的喜悦。你可能从来不用XXXX, 或者不会成为一个XXXX。?
The dreadful thing about sin is that God says it has an everlasting punishment:to be separated from God forever in a terrible place of destruction called hell. But just as Rahab had a place of safety from the destruction that was coming to her city, so God gives YOU a way to be saved from the punishment of sin.
咫斯M说你是一个罪人。罪的可怕之处是神说罪有一个永远的惩罚:就是一个地狱, 那是一个永远与神隔离的痛苦之地。但是, 就象喇合一样, 神也为我们预备了一条路, 使你可以被从罪的惩罚中拯救出来。
John 3:l6 says, "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son" God sent His perfect Son Jesus down from Heaven to earth to take your punishment for sin. When Jesus quietly allowed wicked men to curse Him and spit on Him, to beat Him and then nail Him to a cross, was He taking punishment for His sin?No, for He never sinned. When Jesus gave His precious blood and life on that cross, it was for YOUR sin. On the first Easter morning, Jesus rose from the dead and 40 days later went back to Heaven to His special place there.
约翰福音3章16节说:"神爱世人, 甚至将他的独生子赐给他们..."神让他完美的儿子耶稣基督从天上来到地上, 为你承担了对罪的惩罚。耶稣默默地承受人一切的羞辱, 谩骂, 鞭打, 最后被钉上十字架, 他是不是为你承担了对罪的惩罚?他自己从来没有犯过罪, 耶稣在十字架上流出宝血, 舍去生命, 是因为你的罪。在第一个复活节的早上, 耶稣从死里复活, 40天后, 他回到天上。
When you believe in the Lord Jesus, you are saved from that everlasting punishment of sin. No matter what happens to you in this life, you can be secure in knowing you have a home in Heaven when you die. Heaven is a place of everlasting safety and happiness! Rahab had the security of knowing she and her family had a place of safety no matter when the army of Israel invaded their city.
他回到天上。当你相信主耶稣, 你就从罪的惩罚中被拯救出来。不管任何的事情发生, 你都有一个确据:当你离开这个世界的时候, 你在天上有一个家。那里充满了喜乐和平安。喇合的心里有这个确据, 不管以色列人什么时候攻破耶利哥城, 她和她家里人是安全的。
And sure enough as soon as the great shout went up, and the walls of Jericho fell, the two young Israeli spies rushed to Rahab and her family. Perhaps they grabbed some of them by the hand as they hurried them outside the city to a place near the camp of Israel. Rahab looked around?yes, all the family was there, the oldest to the youngest. Perhaps it was then that she saw the smoke begin to go up.
当以色列人大声呼喊的时候, 耶利哥的城墙一下子倒塌了。两个年轻的以色列探子直奔喇合的家。也许他们还牵着他们的手, 赶紧把他们带出了城。喇合四下里看看, 没错, 从老到小, 都在哪。也许, 就在那个时候, 她看见城里开始冒烟。
Yes, boys and girls, God had commanded that the people of Jericho would be destroyed and the city would burned with fire. God's judgment upon Jericho's sin had come. No doubt Rahab's heart ached to see the destruction of her city, but how thankful she was that God had given her safety!
是的, 神吩咐耶利哥城的人都要死去, 整个的城都要被火烧毁。因着耶利哥人的罪, 神的审判已经临到这座城。无疑, 喇合的心中非常难过, 她也非常感谢将平安赐给她。
Joshua and the people of Israel were greatly encouraged as they saw the miracle of the Jericho walls! Joshua realized again that obedience to the Lord was so important! Because Joshua had carefully obeyed the Lord, the Lord had given the victory over Jericho!
当约书亚和以色列人看到耶利哥城倒塌的神绩, 他们深受鼓舞。约书亚也再次看见顺服神是多么的重要。因着约书亚的顺服, 神把耶利哥城的胜利赐给他们。
Story of Joshua约书亚的故事(3)
Joshua stood alone, his eyes and his mind fixed on the city of Jericho. Jericho was very quiet and still now, for the people had heard how the God of Israel had opened up the Jordan River for His people to cross over. And when they heard, all of them were very afraid of Israel. So now the gates of the city of Jericho were shut. No one came in, and no one went out. Joshua looked at those high strong city walls. Perhaps he was wondering how his army would ever get past them into the city.
约书亚在靠近耶利哥城的地方独自站着, 他的眼目和心思都注意在耶利哥城。耶利哥 城现在很安静, 那里的人已经听说神使约但河的水断绝, 成为干地, 使以色列人过了河。 他们一听说这件事, 心里都很害怕。现在, 耶利哥的城门紧紧地关着, 没有人出入。约 书亚看着那高大的城墙。也许他在想, 怎样才能攻破它呢?
Suddenly Joshua realized he was not alone! There to his side stood a man who also resembled a commander of an army, and he had his sword drawn as if ready to fight!Bravely Joshua, the commander of the armies of Israel, challenged him:“Are you for us, or for our enemies?”
突然, 约书亚意识到他旁边有一个人。那人手里有拔出来的刀, 好像准备要打仗。 约书亚鼓足勇气, 问他说:“你是帮助我们呢?还是帮助我们敌人呢?”
“No, ” the stranger answered, “I have come as Commander of the LORD’S army!” Joshua needed no more information! Immediately the commander of Israel’s armies fell on his face to the earth and worshipped the Commander of the LORD’s armies! “What does my Lord have to say to his servant?” Joshua humbly asked. Joshua was then told to take off his shoes for he was standing on holy ground.
他回答说:“不 是的, 我来是要作耶和华军队的元帅。”约书亚不需要再问了。这位以色列军队的元 帅马上俯伏在地, 向耶和华军队的元帅下拜, 说:“我主有什么话吩咐仆人?”这个人 让约书亚把脚上的鞋脱下来, 因为他所站的地方是圣地。
Do you think Joshua obeyed?But Who was this Commander of the LORD’s armies?What was His name? Boys and girls, it was JESUS! Even though he looked like a man, He was actually the Lord Jesus Christ. Does that surprise you'sometimes we think that Jesus began as a baby that first Christmas. But no, Jesus is God. He was there with God when the world was created. There are times throughout the Old Testament of the Bible when Jesus appeared for different reasons.
小朋友们, 这个人就是我们的主耶稣。你是不是觉得奇怪?有时我们以为耶稣第 一次来到世上是两千年前的那个圣诞节。其实, 耶稣就是神。在神创造这个世界以前 , 他就与神在一起。在旧约圣经中, 耶稣因为不同的原因曾几次出现。
In the New Testament Jesus came into the world as a baby. Do you know what reason He had for coming at that time?Our sin was the reason Jesus came. God says all those mean things we say to others, those mean things we even THINK about others, and the wrong things we do to others, all keep us away from God and His wonderful Heavenly home. Our sin is like a great big debt that we owe, but cannot pay. And yet, God tells us over and over how much He loves us and wants us with Him forever. But Who could possibly pay for our sin, so we COULD be allowed in Heaven?It could only be God’s perfect Son, the Lord Jesus.
在新约中, 耶稣 作为一个婴儿进入这个世界。你知道他为什么来吗?是为了我们的罪。神说我们说过 别人的坏话, 甚至只是脑子里想一想的坏事, 我们作的错事, 使我们远离神和那美丽的 天堂。我们的罪就象一笔我们负不起的债。但神一次又一次地告诉我们, 他爱我们, 他 要我们与他永远在一起。但是, 谁能付清我们的罪债呢?只有神完美的儿子:耶稣基督。
Do you remember how He paid for our sin?Did He give money?No, the Bible says in Colossians 1:20, “And, having made peace through the blood of His cross…” Jesus willingly gave His life & His precious blood as payment for our sin. Three days after Jesus died, He came alive again and later went back to Heaven. Is Jesus still alive in Heaven?YES! The Bible says, “Jesus Christ, the same yesterday, today, and forever!”
他是怎样付我们的罪债呢?用钱吗?不是!歌罗西书第1章20节说:“既然藉着他在 十字架上所流的血成就了和平”, 耶稣情愿付上他的生命和宝血来做为我们赎罪的代 价。耶稣死后三天, 他从死里复活, 又回到天上。他今天仍然活在天上吗?是的!圣经 说:“昨日, 今日, 直到永远, 耶稣不改变。”
The same Jesus Who died so your sins could be forgiven is the same Jesus Who appeared many years before to Commander Joshua.As Commander of the LORD’s armies, Jesus had come to assure Joshua of victory。
这位为我们的罪而死的耶稣在许多年以 前曾向约书亚显现。作为耶和华军队的元帅, 耶稣来使约书亚确信他一定能胜利!
Joshua would have an invisible army, the strongest and biggest of all, helping him! The Lord Jesus began to explain to Joshua the battle plan for defeating Jericho:“(mp3听力文件,前部分为英语阅读,后部分为中文阅读)
See, I have given Jericho into your hand, with the king and all the mighty men. Now, the plan is this:You are to march around the city once a day for 6 days, with your soldiers, seven priests with trumpets, and the priests who carry the ark of the covenant. Now the 7 priests will blow their trumpets as they march, but the rest of you will not make a sound, not a word!Until the seventh day!”
因为有一支看不见 的, 世界上最强大的军队来帮助他。主耶稣告诉约书亚打败敌人的方法:看哪, 我已经 把耶利哥和耶利哥的王, 并大能的勇士, 都交在你手中。你们的兵丁要绕这个城, 一天 绕一次, 要绕六天。七个祭司要拿着羊角走在约柜前面, 边走边吹角。其他的人都不 可出声, 连一句话也不可说, 直到第七天。
Boys and girls, did you get those instructions?Well, Commander Joshua did! And he was very careful to obey those instructions! He knew they could only have victory over their enemy through God’s power, and that power came through careful obedience to God’s Word! Joshua knew that, and that is why he was careful to listen and obey in every detail!
小朋友们, 你们有没有听说过这样奇怪的规 定?约书亚听见后, 就小心地照着做。他知道要想胜过敌人, 只有靠神的力量。而这能 力是来自于听神的话。约书亚小心地听从神一切的吩咐。
So early in the morning, the first parade began! Do you think the people of Jericho were trembling and watching from somewhere on the wall?No doubt many were watching, as thousands of tightlipped soldiers began to march, then here came the priests blowing the trumpets continually, and then the ark of the Lord carried by 4 priests, and then thousands more Israeli soldiers. The people of Jericho were probably greatly relieved as they saw this strange parade return to their camp after marching around their city.
一大早, 第一场XXXX开始了。耶利哥城的人也许在害怕地暗中观望着。祭司们吹 着羊角, 后面有四个祭司抬着神的约柜, 然后是千千万万的以色列士兵开始XXXX。也 许当耶利哥城的人看见这些以色列士兵XXXX完后, 就回到自己的营地, 他们长长吁了 口气。
“Ahhh, ” they might have said. “They probably see they have no way of getting past our very strong wall!” The very next day, the same thing happened over again! The 3rd day, the exact thing again. As the long parade ended on the 4th day, perhaps the army of Jericho was feeling a little less afraid. After all, the army of Israel still couldn’t get past their great wall! But what was it the people of Jericho COULD NOT see?The invisible army of Heaven! Can God’s army get past that wall?Romans 8:31 says, “If God be for us, who can be against us?”。
他们可能会说:“我们的城墙又高又厚, 他们可能攻不下来。”第二天, 第三天 , 又是这样。到了第四天, 也许耶利哥城的人不再那么害怕了。毕竟, 以色列人还没有 办法攻破耶利哥的城墙。但是, 耶利哥城的人看不到那天上的军队。神的军队能攻破 耶利哥的城墙吗?
The invisible army of Heaven! Can God’s army get past that wall?Romans 8:31 says, “If God be for us, who can be against us?” Joshua and his army just kept right on marching and obeying because Joshua knew he could only have victory over Jericho through God’s power! Joshua may not have understood all about the strange marching instructions, but he knew Israel could only have victory over Jericho through God’s power.
约书亚的 军队照着神的吩咐做, 也许约书亚也不明白为什么神给他们这样奇怪的规定, 但他知道, 只有神的能力才能使他们攻破耶利哥城。
Let’s leave Joshua as they begin their 5th day of marching. Joshua and his soldiers might have wondered why God wanted them to march around the city so many times. Why not just once? If you know the Lord Jesus, you may wonder why you have to battle the same sin over and over. You may be staying close to God by praying and reading and obeying the Bible, but time after time you face the same temptations. Don’t give up! The same power God gave you to overcome the first time, He will give you again and again.
以色列人开始了第五天的XXXX, 我们的故事先停在这里。约书亚和他的士兵也许 在想为什么神让他们绕城这么多次, 为什么不一次就完了呢? 如果你相信主耶稣, 你也许会想为什么你一次又一次地与同一个罪打仗。你可能 向神祷告, 读圣经, 遵守圣经的话语, 可是, 你时常会遇到同样的试探。别灰心!神会一 次又一次地给你能力来胜过试探。
Joshua was being careful to follow the counsel he was given when God first chose him to lead the people of Israel. Do you remember what that counsel was?Joshua was to know and obey God’s Word! Was He doing that?Yes! Will he have victory?We have to wait a few days to see, but I think you know by now!
约书亚一直小心地遵循着神在当初拣选他, 让他带领以色列人的时候, 向他显明 的旨意。你还记得那个旨意是什么吗?约书亚应该认识并听从神的话, 他这样做了吗 ?是的!约书亚能得胜吗?在下一次的故事里你就知道了。但是我想你已经有了答案, 对吗?
Story of Joshua约书亚的故事(4)
Do you always keep YOUR promises?It’s very disappointing when people break their promises to us, but there are many reasons people don’t, or can’t, keep their promises. What about God?God’s Word, the Bible, is FULL of promises He has made. Does He always keep His promises?YES!!
小朋友们, 你是一个说话算数的人吗?如果别人说话不算数, 一定会让我们很失望。那神呢?圣经就是神的话, 里面都是神的应许。神总是成就他的应许吗?是的!
Because God not only knows but also controls the future, He has never made a promise He cannot keep. When God promised the people of Israel He would give them the land of Canaan for their new home, He kept that promise. It was 700 years in coming, but it was God’s perfect timing!
因为神不单单是知道未来, 他也掌握未来。当神应许以色列人, 他要给他们迦南地做为他们的新家, 他就要照他的应许答应。虽然从应许到实现有700年的时间, 但是它最终按着神的时间成就了。
Captain Joshua had been very encouraged by the two spies who had returned from Jericho with the good report, “God has given us the land! The people are very afraid of us!” Early the next morning, Joshua led the people to the bank of the Jordan River, the only thing that separated them from the Promised Land. There they camped for 3 days. After the 3rd day, Joshua sent officers throughout the camp to instruct the people还记得吗?两个探子带着好消息回到约书亚那里说:“神真的是把那全地交在我们手中, 那地的一切居民在我们面前心都消化了!”以色列人的新领袖约书亚很受鼓励。第二天一早, 约书亚带领以色列百姓来到约旦河边。现在, 这是他们进入神的应许之地的唯一障碍。他们在那里住了三天。过了第三天, 约书亚派人到营中对百姓说:
“When you see the ark of the covenant of the LORD your God, and the priests, the Levites, bearing the ark, then be ready to leave and follow after it. Only you must keep a certain distance between you and the ark. You must not come near it.”
“你们看见耶和华你们神的约柜, 又见祭司利未人抬着, 就要离开所住的地方, 跟着约柜去。只是你们和约柜要隔开一段距离, 不可与约柜走得太近。”
What was so special about this gold covered box that had the blue cover on it?Perhaps some of the children in the camp asked their parents that very question! Forty years earlier, God had given Moses careful instructions for making this sacred piece of furniture. It occupied the most important, the most holy place
那么, 小朋友要问:这个包着精金的盒子有什么特别呢?也许, 营中的一些以色列人的孩子们也在问他们的父母这个问题。四十年以前, 神仔细地吩咐摩西来制作这件神圣的柜子。它被放在会幕里面最神圣最重要的地方。会幕是以色列人敬拜神的地方。现在, 你闭上眼睛来想一想, 这个被叫做约柜的柜子到底是个什么样子。
On the lid of the ark were two angel-like figures that faced each other. They were called cherubim. In Exodus 25:22, God said, “There I will meet with you….from between the two cherubim which are on the ark.” God’s holy, perfect presence would be there! That’s what made the ark of the covenant such a special place! Therefore, it was to be handled only by certain priests, and no one else was to come near it.
在约柜的上面, 有两个天使相对。他们被叫做基路伯。在出埃及记第25章22节, 神说:“我要在那里与你相会, 从法柜施恩座上二基路伯中间”神圣洁的同在使法柜施恩座成为一个特别的地方。除了祭司以外, 谁都不能接近。
There was another reason the people of Israel were to travel a distance from the ark. They had never traveled this way before, and the ark would show them which way to go.
以色列人不能接近约柜, 还有另外一个原因。他们从来没有走过这条路, 约柜要走在他们前面, 指示他们怎样走。
Joshua said, “Sanctify yourselves:for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you!” Sanctify means set apart for the Lord. The people were to purify themselves, and think about the Lord their God, and remember all His goodness and His promises. As they looked back, they could see God had never failed in keeping one of His promises to them. Thinking about what God had done would help them trust Him in the future.
约书亚吩咐百姓说:“你们要自洁, 因为明天神必在你们中间行奇事。”自洁就是把自己分别为圣归给神。人们要洁净自己, 并思想神, 纪念他的慈爱和应许。当他们回想起神所成就的每一件事, 他们就知道神从来不误事。
This would prepare them to trust God tomorrow for the seemingly impossible task of crossing the Jordan River! Joshua spoke to the priests, “Take up the ark of the covenant, and pass over before the people.” Then God spoke to Joshua, “This very day I will begin to magnify you in the sight of all Israel that they may know that, as I was with Moses, so I will be with you.” Another promise! And Joshua knew with all his heart God would keep it! God continued, “Tell the priests to move into the water at the edge of the Jordan.”
纪念神在以往加给他们的恩典使他们更加相信神, 使他们在看起来不可能的事上来全心倚赖神:那就是过约旦河。约书亚又吩咐祭司说:“你们抬起约柜, 在百姓前头过去。”然后, 神对约书亚说:“从今日起, 我必使你在以色列众人眼前尊大, 使他们知道我怎样与摩西同在, 也必照样与你同在。”这是神的又一个应许。约书亚从心底里相信神的应许一定成就。神又说:“你要吩咐抬约柜的祭司说:‘你们到了约但河的水边上, 就要在约但河水里站住。’”
Joshua went to the people:“Come here and listen to the words of the Lord your God!What you are about to see will make you KNOW the living God is among you, and that He will without fail drive out our enemies:the Canaanites, the Hittites, the Hivites, the Perizzites, the Girgashites, the Amorites, and the Jebusites. Now look!
约书亚对以色列人说:“你们往前来, 听耶和华你们神的话。你们所将要看见的会使你们知道, 有永生神在你们中间。并且他必在你们面前赶出迦南人、赫人、希未人、比利洗人、革迦撒人、亚摩利人、耶布斯人。看哪!
The ark of the covenant of the Lord of all the earth is passing before you into Jordan.” Boys and girls, did you hear what Joshua called God?THE LIVING GOD and THE LORD OF ALL THE EARTH. You can call Him that too when you bow to your head to pray and thank Him, and to remember all His promises!
普天下主的约柜正在你们前头过去。”小朋友们, 你有没有注意到约书亚是怎样称呼神的?永生神, 普天下的主。当你祷告感谢神的时候, 你也可以这样称呼神。
Joshua went on:“As soon as the bottom of the priests’ feet stand in the water of the river, the waters of the Jordan shall be cut off, and the waters upstream shall stand in a heap.” About two million people watched attentively. The Jordan River was at its flood stage and overflowing its banks. It would seem to be a dangerous thing to step into that water. Do you suppose there might have been a sound of powerful rushing water, and then, a sudden strange stillness?
约书亚继续说:“等到祭司把脚站在约但河水里, 约但河的水, 就是从上游往下流的水, 必然断绝, 立起来堆在一起。”两百万以色列人在注意地看着。这个季节是收割的日子, 约但河水涨起来, 涨过两岸。把脚踏进约但河水里看起来是很危险的。想象一下, 湍急的河水突然一下子静止了。
Perhaps! For just as soon as all the priests carrying the ark of the covenant stepped into the water, the waters did exactly as Joshua had said! The waters that came downstream suddenly stood up on a heap, and the other water just ran on down, leaving DRY GROUND! Not slippery mud, but DRY GROUND! As the astounded people watched, the priests went right on walking to the middle of the Jordan, then they stopped, still holding up the ark on the poles. Quickly the people began to cross over, the grandmothers and grandfathers, the moms and dads, some carrying babies, and here come the teens and the children hurrying across!
是的, 当所有的祭司把脚站在约但河水里, 就象约书亚说的, 那从上往下流的水, 便突然停住, 立起来堆在一起, 在他们面前出现一片干地。不是很滑的泥泞, 而是一片干地。抬约柜的祭司在约但河中间的干地上站定, 仍然扛着约柜。很快地, 以色列众人开始过河。有祖父祖母, 有抱着孩子的爸爸妈妈, 有儿童, 青少年。
There was plenty of room for even two million people to cross and still stay a distance from the priests, for the Bible says the waters that stood on a heap were far away. Was God doing wonders?Just think! Not only did He open up a path through the flooded river, but it was a completely DRY one! Is God faithful?Yes! Did He keep His promise?Yes!
虽然有两百万人在过河, 他们仍然可以和抬约柜的祭司隔开一段距离, 圣经说约但河的水从很远的地方就停住了, 使他们有足够的空间。神在行神绩吗?想一想, 神不但在奔腾的河水中开了一条路, 神还使它成为一片干地。神信实吗?当然!神有没有成就他的应许呢?当然!
If you know the Lord Jesus, remember! He is faithful and He keeps His promises! Let’s think of another wonderful promise God gives you as His child:Philippians 1:6 “He who has begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.” God began His good work in you the day you believed on the Lord Jesus!
如果你相信主耶稣, 记住:神是信实的, 他的应许他一定成就!作为他的孩子, 神在腓立比书第1章6节有一个应许:“那在你们心里动了善工的, 必成全这工, 直到耶稣基督的日子。”当你相信主耶稣的那一时刻起, 神就开始在你心里动善工。
But day by day He is working to make you more and more like Jesus. Does it bother you when you sin?That is because God’s Holy Spirit is working in you, just as He promised!God wants you to come to Him as His child every day and confess that sin so He can keep another promise! I John 1:9 “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us…” So many wonderful promises our loving God makes us, and remember! He is faithful to keep His promises!
一天天, 他在你心里作工, 使你能更象主耶稣。当你犯罪的时候, 你是不是开始觉得难过了?这是因为神的圣灵在你的里面工作, 就象神应许的那样。神愿意你每天到他的面前来, 承认你的罪, 因为他还有一个应许给你。约翰一书1章9节说:“我们若认自己的罪, 神是信实的, 是公义的, 必要赦免我们的罪, 洗净我们一切的不义。"爱我们的神给了我们这么多宝贵的应许。他也一定会成就这些应许。
As the people hurried to cross the Jordan River on dry ground, they must have felt so amazed that, no matter how unbelievable it had seemed at first, God had kept His promise to them!
当200万以色列人踩着干地过约旦河的时候, 他们一定很惊奇。因为人所以为不可能实现的事, 神竟让它成就了!
But all was not finished! Joshua carried out God’s remaining instructions for this crossing:He sent the men who had been chosen from each of the tribes of Israel to get big stones from the riverbed. The 12 men set the heavy stones on their shoulders and brought them up on the bank of the Jordan River where the people were to camp that night. They formed them into a pile as a memorial.
故事还没有完!约书亚告诉百姓神的另一个吩咐:从以色列十二个支派中各选一人, 从约但河中取十二块石头。那十二个人就把石头扛在肩膀上带过去, 到他们所住宿的地方, 放在那里, 堆起来做纪念。
Joshua explained that when their children grew up and saw those stones, they would ask their parents, “What are these stones doing here?” The parents would then remind themselves and teach their children how God had opened up the Jordan River for them to cross on dry land. Joshua also set up 12 stones in the middle of the Jordan, where the priests’ feet had stood. Both sets of stones were silent reminders of God’s faithfulness in keeping His promises!
约书亚告诉他们, 当他们的孩子长大, 看见这些石头, 他们就会问:‘这些石头是什么意思?’他们的父母就会记起, 并告诉他们的孩子, 神怎样使约但河的水断绝, 成为干地, 使以色列人可以过河。约书亚另把十二块石头立在约但河中, 在抬约柜的祭司脚站立的地方。这些石头都在证明神是多么信实。
Last of all, the priests baring the ark walked to the other side of the Jordan. As the last priests stepped on the bank of the river, what do you think happened?Yes! Can you imagine the sight of all that water splashing down, and once again overflowing the banks?! They were now standing on the banks of the Promised Land!
最后, 祭司抬着约柜也走到河对面。当祭司从约但河里上来, 脚掌刚落在旱地上的时候, 约但河的水就流到原处, 仍旧涨过两岸。你能想象那壮观的场面吗?现在, 他们脚掌所站的就是神的应许之地。
Story of Joshua约书亚的故事(5)
With all the news of wars and other terrible things happening in the world, doesn’t it make you think about finding a place of safety?In our Bible lesson today, that’s just what a certain family was needing…A PLACE OF SAFETY!
小朋友们, 在这个世界上我们常常会听到打仗的消息, 或者一些可怕的事情发生, 这些事常常让我们想到如果有一个绝对安全的地方该多好啊!我们今天圣经故事里正要讲到这样一个安全的地方。
Last time we learned that the people of Israel had a new leader! Do you remember his name?And do you remember how many people were in the nation of Israel at that time?Yes, Joshua was preparing to lead about 2 million people across the Jordan River to their long-awaited homeland, the land of Canaan.
上一次的故事里我们知道以色列人有了一个新的领袖!你还记得他的名字吗?你还记得那时的以色列有多少人吗?是的, 他们的新领袖约书亚正准备带200万以色列人过约旦河, 进到他们长久以来盼望的家乡:迦南地。
But first, Joshua sent two spies across the Jordan. They were to go to the city of Jericho, and secretly investigate the land. Jericho was a beautiful city of palm trees and flowers, but it was also a very sinful city. People there worshipped idols, and even sometimes murdered their own children because they thought it would please the idols! How wicked! As the two spies from Israel quietly entered the city gate that evening, they made note of the huge double wall.
约书亚先派了两个探子过约旦河。他们去了耶利哥城, 在那里偷偷地探听情况。耶利哥是一个很美丽的地方, 有很多棕榈树, 和漂亮的花草。但是, 它也是一个罪恶的城市。那里的人拜偶像,有时甚至把他们的孩子杀了来祭祀偶像, 他们认为这样作会使他们拜的偶像很高兴。这真是充满罪恶!那天晚上, 当两个探子悄悄地进了城, 他们注意到那巨大的城墙, 而且是双层的。
They looked around for somewhere to spend the night close to the city gate. They were directed to a woman named Rahab, whose house was on the city wall. Rahab lived a sinful life as the other people in her city.The people of Jericho did not realize how very close they were to God’s judgment upon their sin.However, on this particular evening no one in Jericho was thinking about judgment, but they WERE thinking about the two strange men who had come through their gates
他们想在城墙附近找一个地方过夜。他们来到一个名叫喇合的女子家里, 她的家就在城墙上。喇合与城里的其他人一样过着罪恶的生活。而耶利哥城里的人并不知道, 因着他们的罪和不相信神, 他们已经落在神的审判底下。事实上, 这世上的每一个人都因为罪而在神的审判底下, 包括你和我。
Someone must have gone quickly to the king, for Joshua 2:3 and 4 says:And it was told the king of Jericho, saying, …there came men in here tonight of Israel to search out the country. And the king of Jericho sent to Rahab, saying, Bring out the men that came into your house, for they have come to search out all the country. Can’t you just imagine it? Rahab hurried down to the door, trying not to show she was out of breath. “Open up in the name of the king!” the soldiers might haveshouted
在这个特别的晚上, 耶利哥城里没有人想到神的审判, 他们所想的是有两个陌生人来到他们的城里。有人马上去告诉了耶利哥王。约书亚记第2章2-3节说:有人去告诉耶利哥王说:“今夜有以色列人来到这里窥探此地。”耶利哥王打发人去见喇合说:“那来到你这里、进了你家的人要交出来, 因为他们来窥探全地。”你能想象得出来吗?门口有人敲门, 喇合得赶快跑去开门,还要表现出她一点也不紧张的样子。”奉国王的名义, 把门开开!”也许他们在大叫。
The Bible doesn’t tell us exactly WHEN or HOW Rahab knew the king’s men were coming, but she knew in time to hide the two spies! Joshua 2:6 says, But she had brought them up to the roof of the house, and hid them with the stalks of flax, which she had laid in order upon the roof. So when Rahab came down to open the door, she was probably trying to appear calm as she answered the soldiers:There came men to me, but I didn’t know who they were. But when it was getting dark, just as they were about to shut the city gates for the night, the men left and I don’t know where they went.If you hurry after them through the gate I’m sure you’ll overtake them! The king’s soldiers believed Rahab and off they went into the night in search of the two spies.
圣经没有告诉我们喇合怎样知道国王要派人来, 但她及时地把两个探子藏了起来。约书亚记第2章6节说:先是喇合领二人上了房顶, 将他们藏在那里所摆的麻撷中。当喇合下去开门的时候,她故意显得很镇静地对国王派的人说:那人果然到我这里来, 他们是哪里来的我却不知道。天黑、要关城门的时候, 他们出去了, 往哪里去我却不知道。你们快快地去追赶, 就必追上。”那些人相信了喇合的话, 就追赶他们去了。
That night Rahab had a talk with the spies on that rooftop. And this time she wasn’t lying or being sinful. She spoke straight from her heart:I know the LORD has given you the land, and that your terror is fallen upon us, and all the inhabitants of the land faint because of you.
那天晚上, 喇合到房顶上, 和两个探子说话。这次她没有说谎, 而是从心底里说:我知道耶和华已经把这地赐给你们, 并且因你们的缘故我们都惊慌了。
For we have heard how the LORD dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt; and how you completely destroyed the two kings of the Amorites on the other side of the Jordan. As soon as we heard these things, our hearts melted and there was no more courage in any man, because of you:for the LORD your God, he is God in heaven above, and in earth beneath.
这地的一切居民在你们面前心都消化了, 因为我们听见你们出埃及的时候, 耶和华怎样在你们前面使红海的水干了, 并且你们怎样待约但河东的两个亚摩利王西宏和噩, 将他们尽行毁灭。我们一听见这些事, 心就消化了。因你们的缘故, 并无一人有胆气。耶和华你们的神, 本是上天下地的神。
God knows everything about you, including your every sin. But He still loves you, and wants to forgive your sin. He said in His Word that He takes pleasure in forgiving our sin, not in punishing it. When we believe on His Son the Lord Jesus, we can be saved from sin’s punishment. Rahab believed God’s Word, so will God save her from His judgment upon the sin of Jericho?Rahab was about to ask that question herself!
耶和华你们的神, 本是上天下地的神。当然, 耶利哥全城的人都听说了神的大能和他对以色列人的看顾, 而喇合不但听到了, 她还相信了这位又真又活的神。喇合相信神的话, 神会把她从神的审判底下拯救出来吗?这就是喇合将要问的问题。
Rahab said to the two spies, Now, since I have shown you this kindness in hiding you from the king, will you promise me in the name of the LORD that you will also show kindness to me and my family?When you come to destroy this city, will you save me and my family and deliver us from death?The two spies promised Rahab that indeed they would save her and her family, if she promised not to tell anyone about their mission.
喇合对两个探子说:现在我既是恩待你们, 求你们指着耶和华向我起誓, 也要恩待我和我父家, 当你们来攻打耶利哥城的时候, 要救活我和我的家人, 拯救我们性命不死。”二人向对她保证:“你若不泄漏我们这件事, 我们一定救你一家。”
Then Rahab let the two spies down by a strong red cord through her window on the outside of the city wall. Just as she was helping them escape, she said to them, Go straight to the mountain, so the king’s soldiers won’t see you! Hide in the mountains for 3 days to give the soldiers time to get back to Jericho. Then go your way
于是, 喇合用朱红色的绳子把二人从窗户里缒下去, 因她的房子是在城墙边上。她对两个探子说:“你们要往山上去, 这样追赶的人就不会碰见你们。要在那里隐藏三天, 等追赶的人回来,然后才可以走你们的路。”两个探子对喇合说:“我们来到这地的时候, 你要把这条朱红线绳系在缒我们下去的窗户上。并要使你的全家都聚集在你家中。凡出了你家门往街上去的, 我们就不能保证他的安全了。”喇合同意了, 然后两个人悄悄地顺着绳子下了城, 消失在夜色里。
Rahab bound that scarlet cord securely in the window. She understood and believed with all her heart that this red cord meant her house would be a PLACE OF SAFETY whenGod’s terrible judgment fell upon Jericho.
喇合把朱红线绳系在窗户上, 她深深地相信有了这根朱红线绳, 当神的审判降临到耶利哥城的时候, 她的房子是一个安全的地方。
God provided this special way for Rahab to be saved because He saw she believed His Word! God also has provided a way for YOU to be saved from the punishment of your sin. I John 4:14 says, The Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world. When the Lord Jesus Christ, God’s Son, came down and suffered that terrible death on the cross, it was not because of His sin, for Jesus never sinned. He was taking the punishment for your sin and mine. Jesus understood that, and quietly took the awful shame of spitting and cursing, the terrible pain of being nailed to a cross…all because He knew it was to save YOU from sin’s punishment.
因为喇合相信神的话, 神用这个特别的方法拯救了她。神也为你准备了一条路使你可以逃脱神对罪的审判。约翰一书第4章14节说:“父差子作世人的救主。”神的儿子主耶稣来到世上, 经历了那么痛苦的死, 不是因为他有罪, 他从来没有犯过罪。他是为了我和你的罪而死的。耶稣他默默地忍受人的唾骂, 羞辱, 还有十字架上被钉的痛苦, 因为他要把你从罪的惩罚中拯救出来。
The precious red blood that was shed from Jesus’ hands and feet and side were to provide a place of safety for YOU, even as the red cord did for Rahab. Three days after Jesus died, He came alive again and is now in Heaven. When you tell the Lord Jesus you are believing on Him, God saves you from your sin! And because Rahab believed God’s Word, He provided a way for her to be saved from sin’s punishment.
从耶稣的手上脚上以及肋旁流出的那朱红色的血为你提供了一个安全的港湾, 就象是喇合的朱红线绳为她所作。耶稣死后三天, 他复活了, 现在他在天上。当你告诉主耶稣你相信他, 神就把你从罪中拯救出来。因为喇合相信神的话, 神把她从对罪的审判底下拯救出来。
Rahab was probably very busy from then on, getting all her family to move to her home, the only place of safety. If you know the Lord Jesus as your Saviour from sin,are you concerned that your family and friends find that place of safety in Jesus too?Perhaps someone in your family, or in your circle of friends, needs to know how to be saved. Will you tell them?Why not this very week?
我想喇合一定很忙, 她要赶快把她的家人叫到她的家里来, 因为这是耶利哥城里唯一安全的地方。
Meanwhile, the two spies went back to Joshua with good news! Truly the LORD has delivered all the land into our hands. All the people of the land are so afraid of us!Joshua was encouraged by this report and early the next morning, he began to carry out God’s plan.
同时, 两个探子带着好消息回到约书亚那里:“神果然将那全地交在我们手中, 那地的一切居民在我们面前心都消化了。”约书亚听到这个消息, 很受鼓励, 第二天一早他就准备按照神的计划进行。
What do you think that plan was?What will happen to Jericho?But first, how is Joshua going to get 2 million people across that Jordan River?Don’t miss the next thrilling story, right from God’s Word!
你认为神有什么计划呢?耶利哥城会怎样呢?但首先, 约书亚怎样使200万以色列人过约旦河呢?不要错过下一次精彩的圣经故事。
Story of Joshua约书亚的故事(6)
Have you ever played “Follow the Leader?” It’s a game where one child is the leader and the other boys and girls have to follow him in a line and jump if he jumps,and turn around if he turns around, etc. Whatever they see the leader do, the followers must do.
小朋友们,你有没有玩过“跟我学" 这个游戏?就是一个人做领袖, 而其他的 小朋友排成一对,跟在他后面,学他的样子。如果他跳一下,其他的人也学他跳一 下,如果他转个身,其他的人也和他一样转个身。 也就是说:领袖做什么,其他的 人也跟着做什么。
Would you rather be the follower or the leader?The leader, of course! Now that can be a lot of fun in a game, but in real life, it’s not always easy to be a leader.The leaders in our Bible lesson today faced some BIG problems.
当然是作领袖, 对不对。玩游戏的时候当然会很有意思,但是,在我们的生活里,要当领袖可不是 一件容易的事。 我们今天圣经故事里的这个领袖要面对的就是一些很难对付的问题。
The first leader in our lesson was Moses. God called him to lead the nation of Israel out of slavery from Egypt. Let’s go back to Exodus 3:10-12 and remember how God called Moses:Come now, …and I will send you unto Pharaoh, that you may bring my people the children of Israel out of Egypt. And Moses said unto God, “Who am I that I should go unto Pharaoh, and that I should bring the children of Israel out of Egypt?”
我们故事里的第一个领袖是摩西。神让他带领以色列人从埃及为奴之地出来。让我们回到出埃及记第3章10-12节,看看神怎样呼召了摩西。神说:“我要打发你去见 法老,使你可以将我的百姓以色列人从埃及领出来。”摩西对神说:“我是什么人, 竟能去见法老,将以色列人从埃及领出来呢?”
And he (God) said, “Certainly I will be with you; …” And God kept His Word! He WAS with Moses and He DID lead the people out of slavery. God gave Moses a godly young man as his minister, or closest helper. His name was Joshua.
神说:“我必与你同在。”神实现 他的应许!他与摩西同在,带领以色列人出了埃及。后来,神给摩西一个敬虔的年轻人做他的帮手,他的名字叫约书亚。
And it was Joshua whom Moses sent to lead the battle against Amalek, their enemies. It was Joshua whom Moses took with him up into Mt. Sinai when Moses received theTen Commandments on stone tablets. It was Joshua Moses chose to go with 11 other spies into the land of Canaan. And it was Joshua along with Caleb who stood strong in their faith even after seeing giants in the land of Canaan. And it was only Joshua and Caleb whom God granted the privilege of living to see the land of Canaan.
摩西曾经派约书亚去攻打他们的敌人 - 亚玛力人。 当摩西上西乃山,从神那里接 受刻有十条诫命的法板的时候,约书亚也被摩西带到山上。摩西还派约书亚与其他 11个探子去窥探迦南地。正是约书亚和迦勒,虽然看到了迦南地高大的住民,他们 也没有丧失信心。
All the rest of Joshua’s generation had rebelled against the Lord in not believing Him. Because of their unbelief, God made the people wander around in the wilderness for 40 more years, until all of them died…except Joshua and Caleb.
所以,只有约书亚和迦勒能够活着进神的应许之地,所有与约书 亚同一代的人都因不相信神而背叛了神。因着他们的不信,神让他们在旷野飘流了 40年,除了约书亚和迦勒,其他与约书亚同一代的人都要在这40年中死去。
Not believing our God is a serious sin, and brought serious punishment on the people of Israel. It caused the people who were Joshua and Caleb’s age to miss going into the Promised Land. Instead they wandered around in the wilderness for 40 years, until all of them died. But now, the 40 years have passed, the younger people are all grown up, and God has once again brought them to the border of Canaan, the Promised Land! The muddy brown Jordan River was all that stood between them!
不相信神是一个非常严重的罪,它给以色列人带来厉害的惩罚。它使与约书亚和迦 勒同一代的人不能进入神的应许之地。他们在旷野飘流了40年,直到他们都死去了。 现在,40年已经过去了。年轻的一代已经长大,神又一次带他们来到应许之地-迦南 地的边缘。泥黄色的约但河就在他们前面。
Moses was about 120 years old now, but still bright eyed and energetic, the Bible tells us. Yet Moses knew it would not be his job to lead the people across the Jordan into their new home. God was about to take Moses to his forever home in Heaven. God said to Moses, “Take Joshua and lay your hand on him in the sight of all the people. He will be the leader for all the children of Israel.” Moses obeyed the Lord, and told Joshua, “Be strong and of a good courage, ” he said.
这时的摩西已经120岁了,但圣经告诉我 们,他眼目没有昏花,精神没有衰败。摩西知道他不能领以色列人过约但河进入他 们的新家,因为神即将带摩西回到永远的天家。神对摩西说:“带约书亚来, 在 百姓面前按手在他身上, 他将成为以色列人的领袖。 ”摩西按照神所说的做了, 并告诉约书亚, “你当刚强壮胆。”
Joshua was going to hear those same words over and over! And that’s part of our memory verse today, isn’t it! Moses continued, “You must go with this people to the land God promised them, and the Lord, He is the one who goes before you; He will not leave you nor forsake you. Do not fear nor be dismayed.” As a new leader, Joshua needed to hear those encouraging words
这句话约书亚以后常常听到。 摩西接着说:“你要和这百姓一同进入神的应许之地,神必在你前面行,神必与你同在,必不撇 下你,也不丢弃你。不要惧怕,也不要惊惶。”作为一个新领袖, 约书亚真的很需 要听到这些鼓励的话。
Then not long after that, Moses died. God told Joshua, “Moses My servant is dead. Now arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people to the land I have given to the people of Israel.”
过了不久, 摩西死了。神对约书亚说:“我的仆人摩西死 了。现在你要起来,和众百姓过这约但河,往我所要赐给以色列人的地去。”
God promised Joshua that every piece of ground his foot touched was going to be given to him, and that no man would be able to stand against him. Moses had encouraged him, now God was cheering Joshua on! As a new leader, Joshua surely needed to hear those words! Not only was Joshua going to be leading about two million people, but they were going to depend on him to get them across that Jordan River, and Joshua knew across that river lived many enemies, some of which were giants.
神应 许约书亚凡他脚掌所踏之地都赐给他,没有一个人能在他面前站立得住。摩西曾经 鼓励过约书亚,现在神亲自来鼓励他。作为一个新领袖, 约书亚真的很需要听到这 些鼓励的话。约书亚不但要领导这200万人, 他还要带他们过约旦河。约书亚知道 知道约旦河的另一边住着许多的敌人, 其中甚至有巨人。
These were big problems, and Joshua knew he was not able to solve them! But Joshua also knew the Lord God was with him, and his God was bigger than ANY problem! He knew the LORD was with him!
这些都是很难的问题, 约书亚知道知道他没有办法解决这些问题。 但是他知道神与他同在, 不论多大的问题都掌管在这一位神手中。约书亚知道知道这位天地的主与他同在。
God continued to instruct Joshua:As I was with Moses, so I will be with you. Only be strong and very courageous, and keep My laws. Don’t turn from my law to the right or to the left。
神继续对约书亚说:“我怎样与摩西同在,也必照样与你同在。 只要刚强,大大 壮胆,谨守遵行我仆人摩西所吩咐你的一切律法,不可偏离左右。
This book of the law shall not depart out of your mouth, but you shall meditate on it day and night so you will remember to do all that is written there. This will be the secret of your success.
这律法书不可离 开你的口,要昼夜思想,好使你谨守遵行这书上所写的一切话。这样,你的道路就 可以亨通,凡事顺利。”
Then God spoke the words of our Bible verse for today. Won’t you stand right now and say it with me?Joshua 1:9 Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, for the Lord thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest.
这就是我们今天要学的圣经经节。 请站起来和我一起说, 约书亚记一章九节 :“ 你当刚强壮胆!不要惧怕,也不要惊惶,因为你无论往哪 里去,耶和华你的神必与你同在。”
Did you know those same encouraging words are also for you, if you have believed on the Lord Jesus' Remember, the Lord is with you! No matter what problem or project you are facing, God has promised He is with you to help you. In Jeremiah 32:7 God asks a question that needs no answer:“Is there anything too hard for Me?” The secret of success for you is the same as for Joshua:that you hear, read, meditate, memorize and OBEY the words of your God!
你知道吗?如果你相信主耶稣,这些鼓励的话也是对你说的。要记住,主与你同在。 不论你面临什么样的问题,神应许他与你同在,并帮助你。在耶利米书 32:7,神 说“我是耶和华,是凡有血气者的神,岂有我难成的事吗?”得胜的秘诀就是象约 书亚那样:要听,读,默想,背诵,并顺服神的话。
Let’s say one word for each finger on our hand, starting with the smallest finger. When you memorize these encouraging words, then you can turn them into a prayer when you are feeling discouraged. You can remember His truth and ask Him for His help! God is bigger than any problem, and if you know the Lord Jesus, HE IS WITH YOU and will help you. Joshua had seen that all of his life, but still he needed those encouraging words from the Lord!
让我们用五个手指来代表这五 个词,从最小的手指开始。记住这五个词,当你觉得泄气的时候,你可以把它们变 成你的祷告。你要牢记神的真理,并求他来帮助你。神大过你所有的问题,如果你 认识主耶稣,他就与你同在,并帮助你。 约书亚在他的一生里看到神的作为,但他 仍然需要神话语的鼓励。
Then with confidence in the Lord, Joshua was ready to take the next step. He commanded the officers of the people:Go through the camp and tell everyone to prepare food and get things ready, for in 3 days we will pass over the Jordan River to go and take the land God has given us!
凭着对神的信心,约书亚为下一步做好了准备。他下令给以色列人的官长说:“你 们要走遍营中,让百姓准备好,三日之内,我们要过约但河,进去得神赐给你们的 应许之地。”
Boys and girls, don’t you know the people were excited!! After all these years, FINALLY, they were going into the Promised Land! The mothers began to prepare food,maybe the children and teens were milking cows and goats, and picking berries.
小朋友们,以色列百姓听到这个消息。别提有多兴奋了。经过这么多 年,他们终于要进入神的应许之地了。于是,母亲们开始准备食物,也许小孩子们 在帮忙挤牛奶,羊奶,采草梅。
Perhaps the fathers were sharpening knives and spears. Some of the people responded to Joshua, All that you command us we will do, and wherever you send us we will go.Just as we obeyed Moses, so we will obey you. May the Lord be with you as He was with Moses. And then they added the words from our Bible verse!
也许父亲们在磨刀枪。有些人对约书亚说:“你所 吩咐我们行的,我们都必行;你所差遣我们去的,我们都必去。我们从前在一切事 上怎样听从摩西,现在也必照样听从你;惟愿耶和华你的神与你同在,像与摩西同 在一样。”然后他们提到我们今天所的圣经经节,让咱们一起说:“你要刚强壮胆”。先是从摩西,然后从神,现在又从百姓那里,约书亚被这句话激励着。在神的帮助下,约书亚知道他们一定会进入迦南地。
Story of Joshua约书亚的故事(7)
Have you ever known a boy or girl who was so stubborn that they only wanted THEIR way all the time?Do you want that kind of person for a friend?Do YOU ever act stubborn and want your own way?Poor Moses, he had the job of leading an entire nation of very stubborn people! Even after they were set free from slavery in Egypt,the people of Israel were still continually grumbling, disobeying, and not believing God.
Let’s pretend we are out there in the wilderness with the Israelites, packing up our tents and things. We’re leaving the wilderness around Mount Sinai, because we see the pillar of cloud is moving on! Now the cloud led north to Kadesh on the border of Canaan, the Promised Land! It had been about 15 months and 400 miles ago that they left Egypt and a life of cruel slavery. From this point in the wilderness, they could probably see the hills of Canaan, their new home!
Numbers 13 begins, And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying, Send men that they may search the land of Canaan, which I am giving to the children of Israel. Actually the Lord was giving them their own request, for they were fearful of what lay ahead. He instructed Moses to choose a man from every tribe, that would be 12 men. Shhh! They were to go on a secret mission as spies! Boys, does that sound exciting?
Moses told them to check out the people, to see if they were weak or strong, if they lived in tents or in strongholds.They were to check out the land, to see if it was a rich fertile land or bare.Do you ever pretend that you are a spy?A real spy would have to be very careful, wouldn’t they!
Soon the 12 spies left on their secret mission. They obeyed Moses’ orders, and after 40 days of searching the land, they returned to the camp. They had their report ready and they also brought back some of the delicious fruit of the land! In one area called the brook Eshcol, they found ripe grapes in such huge clusters that it took two men to carry one cluster of grapes! When they gathered around to tell Moses and the people of Israel, I’m sure the people were amazed to see such giant fruit!
“Surely this is a rich and fruitful land, ” some of the spies began to say, “BUT! The people who live there are strong, and some are giants, and their cities are surrounded by very thick, high walls.”
Caleb, one of the 12 spies, saw the dismay on the faces of the people of Israel. Giants?Walled cities?This sounded very discouraging! But with great boldness and confidence, Caleb spoke up, “Let’s go immediately and take the land! We are well able to overcome it!” Caleb remembered God’s many miracles of delivering and saving the people, and he knew God’s promise in Exodus 23:27:“I will send my fear before you, and will destroy all the people to whom you shall come.”
But not all the spies believed God. Joshua and Caleb found themselves suddenly divided from the other 10 spies. The ten cried out, “We are NOT able to go up against the people, they are too strong for us! All the people we saw there were so big, we were like grasshoppers in their sight!”
Numbers 14:1 says, And all the congregation lifted up their voice, and cried; and the people cried that night. And here they go again, boys and girls! They all complained and blamed Moses and Aaron for bringing them out of Egypt. We wish we had died in the land of Egypt! Did the Lord bring us out here to kill our wives and children with the sword?Then they said, Let us make a captain and go back to Egypt.
The Bible says Moses and Aaron were so grieved and upset, they fell on their faces before all the people. How could these people still be so stubborn and rebellious?Why must they always insist on having their way?Would they never believe and follow the God Who loved and cared for them? Weren’t the Israelites acting like spoiled children, crying and wanting their own way?They had turned not only against their leaders, but against God. Not only Moses and Aaron were upset, but also Joshua and Caleb.
圣经上说摩西和亚伦非常难过,他们俯伏在以色列全会众面前。为什么这些人仍然这样顽固背逆呢?为什么他们总是要随自己的意思做事情呢?是不是他们就永远不能相信这位爱他们,看顾他们的神呢? 以色列人就象被惯坏的小孩子,哭喊着要走他们自己的路。他们不但与他们的领袖作对,也在与神作对。不但摩西和亚伦难过,约书亚和迦勒也很难过。
They tore their clothes, and cried out to the people:The land which we searched is an exceeding good land. If the LORD delights in us, He will bring us into this land and give it to us. Only we must not rebel against the LORD. And you don’t need to be afraid of the people, they are bread for us:their defence is departed from them,and the LORD is with us:don’t be afraid.!
Still the rebellious people would not believe. They were about to start throwing big stones at them to kill Joshua and Caleb, when suddenly the LORD Himself interrupted.
但背逆的会众仍然不相信。 他们还要拿石头打死约书亚和迦勒。忽然,神的荣光在会幕中向以色列众人显现。
God’s Word says the glory of the LORD appeared in the tabernacle, or tent church, and the LORD said to Moses, “How long will these people provoke Me?How long willit be before they believe Me for all the miracles I have showed them?I will strike them with terrible disease, and put them away. I will take you, Moses, and make a greater and mightier nation than they.”
God was so displeased with Israel, He was about to destroy them. But Moses again pleaded with God for Israel, asking for their forgiveness. God in His great patience did forgive them, but still, they would suffer for their unbelief. God said that instead of going right on into the land of Canaan, they would wander here and there in the wilderness for 40 more year for every day they had explored Canaan.
民众违逆惹怒了神, 他要击杀以色列人。但是摩西为以色列人求情。于是,神照他的慈爱赦免了他们的的罪孽。但是,他们要为他们的不相信而受惩罚。神说:“他们必在旷野飘流四十年,而不得进迦南地。
All the adults would die within that 40 years, all but Joshua and Caleb. And the next generation of Israelites would be the ones to go to the Promised Land.The ten spies who had discouraged the people were struck with disease and died at that time. Then the very next day, many of the people died, for they decided they weren’t going to wander around for 40 years!
They were going to go into Canaan. With Moses warning them “Do not go! The Lord is not with you!” they stubbornly went on, and many were killed by the people of Canaan.. Their lives were cut short, they missed seeing God’s wonderful victories in the land of Canaan, and they would never get to enjoy being with their people there...all because of their evil heart of unbelief.