
文章 2019-07-11 19:29:19 1个回答   ()人看过

歌曲名 唐诗 歌手名 霍尊

There was a country far off the sea

On the land of the east

I heard it when I was young

Mum said it’s Called Tang

I once dreamed a poet called Li

Wrote a poem on my skin

But I didn’t know how to read it

So I traveled to find him

I heard the camel bells ring

the vulture fly in the wind

Far far away from hometown

Dad’s afraid I was too young

Ah the kids read in morning

Ah the bell tower rings

Ah I pass the temple

Ah the monk smiles to me

They said there was a man called Li

He’s famous in the dynasty

He do poetry with poets in restaurants

Left calligraphy on the ground

An old sold wine beyond the city

By the road to the moat in the rain

He said that is named An named Chang

So I believed the poet wound be found

Ah I see great buildings

Ah in them poets drink and sing

Ah I pass the palace

Ah flowers bloom around me

Ah I see Buddha statue sits

Ah I see the Emperor through the street

Ah I pass a lantern

Ah it light up the poem on my skin

I saw a man wear white in the rain

Just like the poet in my dream

He took wine and read a poem

Just like the lyrics of this song

A poem written for the Tang

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