年的故事 英语

文章 2019-07-11 16:28:23 1个回答   ()人看过

从前,很久很久以前,有一个吃人怪兽叫做“年兽”。这怪兽住在深海里。它在一年里的每一天都在睡觉,除了农曆年的最后一天,当寒冷的冬天岁月转变成春天的时候。以下内容是小编为您精心整理的年的故事 英语,欢迎参考!

年的故事 英语篇一


Legend: the Chinese in ancient times there was a called "year" monster, head long sharp, fierce, "year" beast years of hiding the sea, every new year's Eve, climb ashore devouring livestock harm human life, so every new year's Eve, people village village stockaded village of help the aged and the young, fled to the mountains, to avoid "year".


This year's new year's Eve, as parents are busy packing fled to the mountains, and east of the village came an old man with white hair on an old woman to say as long as let him stay the night at her place, he could, "year" beast away. They do not believe, the old woman or to persuade them to avoid the mountains of good, old people to leave, he could not persuade everyone see, we have to avoid the mountains to the.


When the "year" beast as usual when ready to rush into raging, suddenly came the white-haired old man ran loud firecrackers, "year" beast body trembling, dare not move together, the "year" beast is afraid of red, flames. Then the door wide open, wearing only a hospital Dahongpao elderly laugh, "year" beast be frightened and change color, cut and run.


The very next day, when people from the mountains to the village, found the village safe and sound, this just see light suddenly, the original gray-haired elderly people to help you out "year" beast gods, people also found three thing the white-haired old man out "year" beast. Since then, every new year's Eve, every family stick red poetic couplet, set off firecrackers, every household lights, keep waiting years. This custom has spread, became the most solemn of traditional Chinese folk festivals "have the spring festival".

年的故事 英语篇二

Once upon a time, long long ago, there was a man-eating monster called "Nian". This beast lived deep inthe ocean. It would sleep every day of the year, except on the last day of the Lunar Year, when the cold winter months would turn into Spring.


Nian would come on land to attack, and eat whatever it could find and whatever lay in its path. This was the night everyone lived in terror!


Year after year Nian returned, as this was a beast that was far too powerful for anyone to takeon or defeat. Many had tried and all had perished. On New Year's eve, all the villagers wouldtake their loved ones, old and young, deep into the mountains to take shelter from the beast.


One year on that night, a traveler came to town, looking for food and shelter. Everyone, withthe exception of an old lady, was far too busy packing to pay him any kindness or offer him asimple plate of dumplings or a place to sleep. After his meal, the passerby was touched by theold lady's generosity and decided to bestow a long hidden secret of how to be rid of the NewYear beast.


That evening when Nian arrived at their village, all the houses were dark, except the one inwhich the old woman lived. As Nian saw the light, it licked its lips with anticipation andapproached the house.


Suddenly, it was greeted with deafening noises of firecrackers sounding endlessly. Themonster was frightened and startled! Next, the beast saw that the house was covered in redpaper. That scared Nian even more, and it took off running back into the ocean.


When the villagers returned, they saw that the old woman was unharmed! Everyone was eagerto learn what she did to survive Nian. The old woman told the villagers that Nian was afraid ofloud noises and the color red.


The next year, the villagers stayed up all night, lit firecrackers, lit red lanterns all around theirhouses, pasted red paper on their walls and doors, wore red clothing, danced to loud music, and banged loud gongs and drums.


That year and every year since, Nian has never returned. This eventually became a traditionand the way to celebrate Chinese New Year.


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